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investigate chunking bug #1806

Open Trivo25 opened 3 weeks ago

Trivo25 commented 3 weeks ago

Problem: Chunking is implemented in Kimchi and Pickles. However, some specific circuit configuration seem to cause a bug in Pickles. A prior RFC talks about these specific issues, which seem to be part of the wrap circuit (which needs to implement chunking as well)

Goal: Figure out what would need to be done in order to fully support chunking in o1js. Is it a relatively small engineering task or does it require further research?

querolita commented 1 day ago

Observations after preliminary exploration of chunking bug in o1js with potential relations with Pickles code.

TODO's throughout Pickles code

Domain size of wrap circuit


ZK rows


    if (err instanceof Error) throw err;

RuntimeError: unreachable
    at __rg_oom (wasm://wasm/011a91aa:wasm-function[4848]:0x3e27c2)
    at __rust_alloc_error_handler (wasm://wasm/011a91aa:wasm-function[4998]:0x3e3251)
    at alloc::alloc::handle_alloc_error::rt_error::h6c30faefac1fefed (wasm://wasm/011a91aa:wasm-function[5056]:0x3e355f)
    at alloc::alloc::handle_alloc_error::h6289c616c1280e38 (wasm://wasm/011a91aa:wasm-function[5055]:0x3e3554)
    at alloc::raw_vec::RawVec<T,A>::reserve::do_reserve_and_handle::h41bc9aef765cae77 (wasm://wasm/011a91aa:wasm-function[3755]:0x3c27a7)
    at <o1_utils::serialization::SerdeAs as serde_with::ser::SerializeAs<T>>::serialize_as::h1da92fe6ae712792 (wasm://wasm/011a91aa:wasm-function[2483]:0x366fca)
    at serde_with::ser::const_arrays::<impl serde_with::ser::SerializeAs<[T; N]> for [As; N]>::serialize_as::h1233a3b3efbeac4b (wasm://wasm/011a91aa:wasm-function[1484]:0x2f0683)
    at kimchi::circuits::constraints::_::<impl serde::ser::Serialize for kimchi::circuits::constraints::ColumnEvaluations<F>>::serialize::h2627bc77795152ac (wasm://wasm/011a91aa:wasm-function[1126]:0x2ad0c6)
    at kimchi::prover_index::_::<impl serde::ser::Serialize for kimchi::prover_index::ProverIndex<G,OpeningProof>>::serialize::hf0dd2bc7ae7d95f7 (wasm://wasm/011a91aa:wasm-function[1589]:0x300c01)
    at caml_pasta_fp_plonk_index_encode (wasm://wasm/011a91aa:wasm-function[1909]:0x32b28c)
    at module.exports.caml_pasta_fp_plonk_index_encode (o1js/dist/node/bindings/compiled/_node_bindings/plonk_wasm.cjs:1475:14)
    at encodeProverKey (o1js/src/lib/proof-system/prover-keys.ts:105:26)
    at write_ (o1js/src/lib/proof-system/zkprogram.ts:1017:48)
    at write$0 (src/bindings/ocaml/lib/pickles_bindings.ml:470:7)
    at spec (src/bindings/ocaml/lib/pickles_bindings.ml:421:40)
    at filter_map$1 (ocaml/base/list.ml:812:14)
    at write$1 (src/bindings/ocaml/lib/pickles_bindings.ml:417:9)
    at write$0 (src/mina/src/lib/key_cache/key_cache.ml:140:5)
    at _iCZ_ (src/mina/src/lib/pickles/cache.ml:114:18)
    at <anonymous> (src/mina/src/lib/promise/js/promise.js:25:37)


The codebase is full of places where a hardcoded 3 is used to refer to the number of rows for zero knowledge and 1 for the number of chunks:




mitschabaude commented 1 day ago

Nice investigation @querolita!!

When running a program with chunking on o1js (4 chunks, N1 wrap domain), it fails with an uncaught error

Judging from the trace, this is an out of memory error ("__rg_oom") that happens when writing the prover key to a file. You could compile with zkprogram.compile({ cache: Cache.None }) to skip writing the prover key (but probably the OOM will be somewhere later then.)

We might have to investigate and improve memory usage in Kimchi/Wasm!