o11s / open80211s

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Topolgy information #42

Open gabri94 opened 9 years ago

gabri94 commented 9 years ago

Hi, is there a way to retrive the topology of the 802.11 mesh network?

thank you, Gabriel

chunyeow commented 9 years ago

Don't think that we have such a tool.

chunyeow commented 9 years ago

But you can collect one-by-one by using mpath dump, probably need to do this using wired interface.

bcopeland commented 9 years ago

On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 10:11:07AM -0700, Chun-Yeow wrote:

But you can collect one-by-one by using mpath dump, probably need to do this using wired interface.

Thomas had a hack that used ipv6 all-nodes broadcast ping and then dumped the neighbor table - if ipv6 is used you can do that. Otherwise you could do something like Chun-Yeow said (hopefully github doesn't mess it up too much):


hack to generate graphviz output from mpath table

dev=wlan0 echo "digraph {" for host in zotac0 zotac2 zotac3; do localmac=$(ssh root@$host "iw dev $dev info" | awk '/addr/{print $2}') ssh root@$host "iw dev $dev mpath dump" | \ egrep '^(([0-9a-f]:){5}[0-9a-f]_) \1' | awk '{print " \"'$local_mac'\" -> \"" $2 "\" [label=\"" $5 "\"]";}' done echo "}"

Bob Copeland %% http://bobcopeland.com/