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Error in creating mesh interface #98

Open abdolahi68 opened 3 months ago

abdolahi68 commented 3 months ago

Dear All, I am working on backport driver https://backports.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Releases. I used version 5.11 and I could create a mesh network. However, when I use backport versions 5.13-5.15, I have faced with "command failed: operation not supported (-95)" error. Also, 1- I have tried with tplink and realtek wireless cards, all of them support mesh point. 2- I checked lsusb and lspci and the cards connected to my pc. 3- I used kernel version 5.4 and 5.15. but the isuue does not resolve. 4- I have tried with and without wpa_supplicant, but the results does not change.

This is my script:


sudo ip link set wlxe8de271f11cd down sleep 2

sudo ip addr flush dev wlxe8de271f11cd sleep 2

sudo iw dev wlxe8de271f11cd interface add mesh1 type mp sleep 2

sudo ip link set mesh1 up sleep 2

sudo iw dev mesh1 mesh join mymesh sleep 2

sudo ip addr add dev mesh1

Moreover, this is the logs of backport, I do not know what happen from version 5.11 to 5.13 that I cannot create mesh.https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/backports/backports.git/log/ I will be grateful if you help me to resolve the issue.

abdolahi68 commented 3 months ago

Update: After trying to create a virtual mesh interface, I directly change the mode of network card. However, the result was the same.

Finally, I directly work on kernel, instead of using backport. I have tried with ubuntu 18.04, 20.4, and 22.04 LTS. In ubuntu 18.04, I could create a mesh network. However, I could not create mesh in 20.04 and 22.04 LTS and I am getting "command failed: operation not supported (-95)" error . I think kernel 5 and 6 have problem with problem. Also, I have tried the following ways: 1- disable/enable wpa_supplicant 2- I used batman 3- I have used ibss instead of mesh, but the result was the same!