For #146, a message will be written to the log for events and queries that cannot be indexed. The log will be written with the WARN level.
An example log when indexing an event with malformed JSON:
ubi-dev-os | [2024-03-27T16:02:53,154][WARN ][c.o.u.d.OpenSearchDataManager] [opensearch] Unable to insert UBI event: MapperParsingException[failed to parse field [event_attributes.object.description] of type [text] in document with id 'uoumgI4BCWe8J-_LaL9V'. Preview of field's value: '{size=0, query={bool={must=[{bool={must=[{bool={should=[{terms={supplier=[HP]}}]}}]}}]}}, _source={excludes=[], includes=[*]}, aggs={filter_product_type={terms={field=filter_product_type, size=20, order={_count=desc}}}}}']; nested: IllegalStateException[Can't get text on a START_OBJECT at 1:384];
For #146, a message will be written to the log for events and queries that cannot be indexed. The log will be written with the
level.An example log when indexing an event with malformed JSON: