o19s / relevant-search-book

Code and Examples for Relevant Search
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Typo in Chapter 8 notebook about suggestions #7

Open consulthys opened 8 years ago

consulthys commented 8 years ago

In Search-As-You-Type, Completion, and Suggestion (Elasticsearch).ipynb, in the "Post-Search Suggest" section, suggest_body contains a small typo:

suggest_body = { 
    "title_completion": {       <--- should be named title_suggestion
        "text": "star trec",
        "phrase": {
            "field": "suggestion"}}}
JnBrymn commented 8 years ago

good catch

John Berryman

@JnBrymn http://bit.ly/YFO5Hs LinkedIn http://linkd.in/YKGnc8

On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 3:51 AM, Valentin Crettaz notifications@github.com wrote:

In Search-As-You-Type, Completion, and Suggestion (Elasticsearch).ipynb https://github.com/o19s/relevant-search-book/blob/master/ipython/Chapter%208%20(Providing%20Relevance%20Feedback).ipynb/Search-As-You-Type%2C%20Completion%2C%20and%20Suggestion%20(Elasticsearch).ipynb, in the "Post-Search Suggest" section, suggest_body contains a small typo:

suggest_body = { "title_completion": { <--- should be named title_suggestion "text": "star trec", "phrase": { "field": "suggestion"}}}

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