o2r-project / erc-examples

Examples for Executable Research Compendia and compatible workspaces
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Add new example workspace reading an `.RData` file and plotting from included `data.frame` #1

Closed Timmimim closed 6 years ago

Timmimim commented 6 years ago

New workspace includes an .RData file. It contains the data.frames named iris and mtcars, which are both included in the R language.

This data file is read on execution by the workspace's main.Rmd file. The RMarkdown script creates a small set of example plots from the data, and outputs those as a mock HTML paper.

nuest commented 6 years ago

Please change the name of the datasets, because iris and mtcars are available in any R session without loading any data. You could just assign new names and save them to the data file, e.g. my_iris <- iris; plot(my_iris ...) etc.


Please also add an un-executed cell in the Rmd file with the code for creating the data file.

Timmimim commented 6 years ago

Changed object names, updated example:RData; Added code chunks generating .RData file to main.Rmd, excluded it from execution; Updated main.Rmd to work with new object names my_iris and my_mtcars; Generated new display.html file; commited changes:
