o2team / athena2

Build tool based on Webpack
MIT License
215 stars 38 forks source link

无法正常安装h5模板 #15

Open fredwei opened 6 years ago

fredwei commented 6 years ago


$ ath2 a --h5
Allo fred! Prepare to create a new app!
Need help? Go and open issue: https://github.com/o2team/athena2/issues/new

? Please give me an app name! nerv-h5
? Please give me an app name! nerv-h5
? Please tell me your app's description! nerv-h5
? Please tell me your app's description! nerv-h5
? Please choose your app platform (Use arrow keys)
? Please choose your app platform Mobile
? Please tell me which h5 template you prepare to use, default to base! default
? Please tell me which h5 template you prepare to use, default to base! default

  Failed to download repo git@git.jd.com:o2h5/h5-templates.git: 'git clone' failed with status 128
luckyadam commented 6 years ago


makenum commented 6 years ago

你好,请问H5模板什么时候能开放呢? @luckyadam

luckyadam commented 6 years ago

@makenum 预计下周可以哦~

makenum commented 6 years ago

@luckyadam 还是不行哦 😯

CracKerMe commented 5 years ago

啥时候可以啊,当前 2018年10月12日 了,还是没有通过么?

meiminjun commented 5 years ago
