The SIG-Core Meetings repo contains the history past calls, including a link to the agenda, recording, notes, and resources.
SIG Updates
What happened since the last meeting?
Initial discussion was held about the SIG charter. The overall sentiment was that there was too much responsibility assigned to this group and things should be moved to others. We ran out of time before the discussion could be completed.
Meeting Agenda
Discuss agenda from proposed topics
Continue discussing the charter and decide which scope and responsibilities should be moved to other SIG's.
Outcomes from Discussion topics
Discuss outcomes from agenda
Action Items
Create actionable items from proposed topics
At the end of the meeting we should have a list of items we want to move out of the charter as well as suggestions as to which SIG should own them instead.
Meeting Details
The SIG-Core Meetings repo contains the history past calls, including a link to the agenda, recording, notes, and resources.
SIG Updates
What happened since the last meeting?
Meeting Agenda
Discuss agenda from proposed topics
Outcomes from Discussion topics
Discuss outcomes from agenda
Action Items
Create actionable items from proposed topics
Open Discussion Items
List any additional items below!