o3de / sig-docs-community

Resources for the Open 3D Engine Documentation & Community Special Interest Group (SIG)
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Proposed SIG-Docs meeting agenda for 2022-03-15 #35

Closed chanmosq closed 2 years ago

chanmosq commented 2 years ago

Meeting Details

The SIG-Docs Meetings contains the history past calls, including a link to the agenda, recording, notes, and resources.

SIG Updates

Initial Agenda

The pre-approved agenda for this meeting is as follows:

Suggesting and voting on agenda items

Our community is welcome to suggest and vote on agenda items. If you suggest an item you need to have a designated presenter (normally the issue filer), but any community member can vote and isn't required to attend meetings or even participate in further discussion. If you think something is a good idea to discuss for the O3DE community, please upvote!

:+1: reactions to proposed agenda items are counted as YEA votes for taking up discussion, and :-1: as NAY. Votes on items don't determine the final agenda, but do influence it and are strongly taken into consideration as a representation of what the O3DE community wants to see from the project.

Agenda item format

If you leave a comment on this issue to propose an agenda item, please use the following format:

**Topic**: The topic you'll be presenting on
**Presenter**: Who will present (may be a team name or TBD)
**Length of time**: Estimate the amount of time you believe discussion will take. This should not be more than 15 minutes without SIG approval.

Include a description of your topic. Make sure to link to any supplementary materials such as RFCs, forum discussions, issues, etc.

Remember to add the :+1: and :-1: reactions manually, so they appear and are obvious to voters!

chanmosq commented 2 years ago

Topic: Cultivating a friendly writing style and tone in O3DE Docs Presenter: @AMZN-Gene @chanmosq Length of time: 15 minutes to explain situation come up with next steps. If time allows, maybe more discussion.

O3DE Documentation tend to have a more technical and matter-of-fact tone. While this is appropriate for writing docs, tutorials have a more casual nature and can benefit from a friendlier tone. A friendlier tone can make documents more welcoming and easier to understand.

We want to address the expectations/standards for docs reviewers and contributors regarding cultivating a friendly tone where it's appropriate.

FiniteStateGit commented 2 years ago

Topic: Discussion and response to community feedback thread Presenter: TBD Length of time: ~15 minutes to gather any additional feedback from meeting participants and discuss possible actions.

Thread: 'Community Feedback' in #General: https://discord.com/channels/805939474655346758/946469530421575720

sptramer commented 2 years ago

From previous meeting: https://github.com/o3de/sig-docs-community/issues/25#issuecomment-1031807217 (1 šŸ‘ / 0 šŸ‘Ž )

Topic: SIG role in tooltips, in-editor help, etc etc Presenter: @sptramer Length of time: 10-15m

The docs sig occasionally gets requests to review in-editor help information, and most importantly, our role in in-editor help has come up across the PRs https://github.com/o3de/o3de.org/pull/1339 and https://github.com/o3de/o3de/pull/6555. Engineers may be unwarily making changes which impact the user experience of documentation, and we should consider the sig-docs-community role in making sure that in-Editor documentation resources (whether static strings, site links, or something else) are appropriately reviewed and updated.

FiniteStateGit commented 2 years ago

Meeting notes may be found here.