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Proposed RFC OpenXR #39

Closed moudgils closed 2 years ago

moudgils commented 2 years ago



OpenXR is an open royalty-free API standard from Khronos, providing engines with native access to a range of devices. It provides access to following API and we will need to add support for it in a modular fashion within O3DE. The api to add support for is as follows

XrSpace A representation of 3D space
XrInstance A representation of the OpenXR Runtime
XrSystemId A representation of the devices
XrActions A representation of user inputs
XrSession A representation of the session between the app an the user
XrSwapChain A representation of XR swapchain

What is the relevance of this feature?

This feature will help allow O3DE to work with VR (virtual reality), AR(Augmented reality) and MR(mixed reality). Initially this work will only focus on OpenXr Vk and DX12 but it can be expanded to include other xr backends. As a start this document will mostly focus on Quest2 as a testing platform.

Goals This document aims to provide framework around setting up XR related functionality that will need to work with Atom (O3de renderer) in an abstract modular manner. As part of setting up this framework we want to adhere to following goals.

Technical design description:

Proposed Framework

In order to gain a high level understanding attached are three diagrams related to

Gem structure GemStructure

XR gem is responsible for implementing any interface (we could have more than one) needed by other gems. The interface will provide access to XR related data as well as functions to update the data as needed. In this document we will mostly be focusing on the rendering interface. This gem will hold common objects which will be extended by the backend gems like OpenXrVk, OpenXrDx12, etc. This will allow the XR gem to contain any common functionality that exists across all XR backends. XR gem will have no idea which backend is running under hood and to do that it will use the Factory pattern.

At a high level the design will be setup such that only XR gems will be including Atom gems and not vice versa. The RPI will provide XR specific rendering interface which is then implemented by the XR gems. This interface will be specified within XRSystemInterface and will live within RPI gem. This way Atom will not need to have a dependency on XR tech stack and should still work if the concrete implementation for this interface is not provided. With this design if the binaries related to XR gems are modified it will have no impact on binaries for Atom gems. This header file can be setup as a HEADERONLY module called RPI.XR.Interface within RPI’s cmakefile. The XRSystem class within the XR gem will extend from this interface and provide implementation as described below.

For this document we are only focusing on the vulkan implementation via OpenxrVk gem but later on it will be easy to support for DX12 via OpenxrDx12 gem or even other backends for more devices if needed

UML diagram for XR related functionality The color for each class dictate they will be in a specific gem. UML-OpenXr

XRSystemInterface - Interface related to XR rendering and it lives within RPI. If in future a different gem (other than XR gem discussed here) wants to provide an implementation for this gem it can be done.

XRSystem (Singleton) - The class implementing all the interface functionality. More details with code provided further in this document. This class will hold all the XR objects and each XR object will be extended and backed by a class that will live in another gem. For example XR::Instance will be extended by OpenXrVk::Instance. Each XR object will also inherit from AZStd::intrusive_refcount in order to attain refcount support. The XR version of the objects will contain all the common code plus any validation code related for that object. Further down I have added code with comments to better explain the purpose of each object and how it will interact with other objects.

OpenXrVk::SystemComponent - This will act as a way to register OpenXrVk as a Factory at runtime and we can then use XR::FactoryManagerSystemComponent to pick which factory to use (based on which rhi is picked by Atom). This will ensure we do not pick an incorrect factory for a platfor. For example we do not want to register OpenXrVk on Mac. It will provide a way to create objects that are from OpenXrVk namespace.

RHI::XR::XXXDescriptors - The definitions of these descriptors will live in RHI side but it will populated by XR gems. This will ensure that RHI gems will have no dependency on XR gems. The XR gem will include RHI gem headers and OpenXrVk gem will include RHI::Vk gem headers. That way OpenXrVk gem code can cast a RHI::XXXDescriptor object to RHI::Vulkan::XXXDescriptor and populate it accordingly.

XR Render Pipeline (No view instancing) XRRenderPipeline

Above is an example of what a render pipeline for a frame may look like initially. It is small yet big enough to cover most of the use cases we may encounter for a scene on a VR device. It has support for skinning, shadows, direct lighting, PBR shading, sky box, transparent objects (i.e particles), tonemapping and ui. Since the pipeline will be data driven it should be easy to modify or create new ones for a game’s specific needs.

BeginXRViewPass/EndXRViewPass- These passes are setup so that RHI can call into XR (as part of Execution phase of the framegraph) and synchronize XR swapchain images. Part of this synchronization would contain calls like xrAcquireSwapchainImage, xrWaitSwapchainImage and xrReleaseSwapchainImage for multiple views.

CopyToXRSwapChain - This pass will be used to copy the final image to the XR swapchain image for a given view.

Initially we will duplicate all the CPU Pass work for multiple views as that will be easy to add and will not require core changes to any of the current rendering features. Further down the line we can look into adding MultiView/View instancing support whereby we just have one pipeline and it will be able to do the work for multiple views and write out to multiple render target textures. This will require much bigger changes within RPI and RHI space and hence should be considered as a separate feature to be added later on.

XRSystemInterface (pseudocode) As part of writing this document it was easier for me to just write pseudo code in order to explain how all the code within XR gems will look like. I have added comments within the pseudocode to provide more context.

Once XR gem is activated it will initialize the XRSystem and then register iteself with RPI gem . The initialization may involve checking some criteria which may evolve later on. As a start it can just be as simple as checking a command line parameter (-xr=openxr). We should add an enum to the XRSystemInterface header which will allow us to capture the result of all XRSystem calls. The backend XR gems implementing the XR interface will return this ResultCode for most of the calls and allow the XR gem to take action based on the return code.

namespace RPI::XR
    enum class ResultCode : uint32_t
        // The operation succeeded.
        Success = 0,

        // The operation failed with an unknown error.

        // The operation failed because the feature is unimplemented on the particular platform.

        // The operation failed due to invalid arguments.

XR::XRSystemInterface pseudo code - Here is a possible starting interface used by the XR gem. This is mostly based on OpenXR functionality.

namespace RPI::XR
    class XRSystemInterface
        static XRSystemInterface* Get();

        XRSystemInterface() = default;
        virtual ~XRSystemInterface() = default;

        // Creates the XR::Instance which is responsible for managing 
        // XrInstance (amongst other things) for OpenXR backend
        // Also initializes the XR::Device
        virtual ResultCode InitializeSystem() = 0;

        // Create a Session and other basic session-level initialization.
        virtual XR::ResultCode InitializeSession() = 0;

        // Start of the frame related XR work
        virtual void BeginFrame() = 0;

        // End of the frame related XR work
        virtual void EndFrame() = 0;

        // Start of the XR view related work
        virtual void BeginXRView() = 0;

        // End of the XR view related work
        virtual void EndXRView() = 0;

        // Manage session lifecycle to track if RenderFrame should be called.
        virtual bool IsSessionRunning() const = 0;

        // Create a Swapchain which will responsible for managing
        // multiple XR swapchains and multiple swapchain images within it
        virtual void CreateSwapchain() = 0;

        // This will alow XR gem to provde device related data to RHI
        RHI::XR::DeviceDescriptor* GetDeviceDescriptor() = 0;

        // Provide access to instance specific data to RHI
        RHI::XR::InstanceDescriptor* GetInstanceDescriptor() = 0;

        // Provide Swapchain specific data to RHI
        RHI::XR::SwapChainImageDescriptor* GetSwapChainImageDescriptor(uint_32 swapchainIndex) = 0;

        // Provide access to Graphics Binding specific data that RHI can populate
`        RHI::XR::GraphicsBindingDescriptor* GetGraphicsBindingDescriptor() = 0;`

XR::XRSystem pseudo code - This will be implementing the Interface described above. It is a singleton so it can be accessed by other gems for anything related to XR.

    // XRSystem will be the singleton that will act as a frontend to everything XR
    // related. It will have API to allow creation of XR specific objects and 
    // provide access to it's data. This class will also inherit from  SystemTickBus
    // in order to tick xr input
    class XRSystem: public XRSystemInterface
            , public AZ::SystemTickBus::Handler

        virtual ~XRInterface() = default;

        // Accessor functions for RHI objects that are populated by backend XR gems
        // This will alow XR gem to provide device related data to RHI
        RHI::XR::DeviceDescriptor* GetDeviceDescriptor() override
            return m_deviceDesc.get();

        // Provide access to instance specific data to RHI
        RHI::XR::InstanceDescriptor* GetInstanceDescriptor() override
            return m_instanceDesc.get();

        // Provide Swapchain specific data to RHI
        RHI::XR::SwapChainImageDescriptor* GetSwapChainImageDescriptor(uint_32 swapchainIndex) override
            return m_swapchainDesc.get();

        // Provide access to Graphics Binding specific data that RHI can populate
        RHI::XR::GraphicsBindingDescriptor* GetGraphicsBindingDescriptor() override
            return m_gbDesc.get();

        // Access supported Layers and extension names
        const AZStd::vector<AZStd::string>& GetXRLayerNames(){..}
        const AZStd::vector<AZStd::string>& GetXRExtensionNames(){..}

        // Create XR instance object and initialize it            
        ResultCode InitInstance() 
            m_instance = Factory::Get()->CreateXRInstance();

                return m_instance->InitInstanceInternal();
            return ResultCode::Fail;

        // Create XR device object and initialize it 
        ResultCode InitDevice() 
            m_device = Factory::Get()->CreateXRDevice();

            //Get a list of XR compatible devices
            AZStd::vector<AZStd::intrusive_ptr<PhysicalDevice>> physicalDeviceList =

            //Code to pick the correct device. 
            //For now we can just pick the first device in the list

                return m_device->InitDeviceInternal();
            return ResultCode::Fail;

        // Initialize XR instance and device 
        ResultCode InitializeSystem() override
            ResultCode instResult = InitInstance();
            if(instResult != ResultCode::Success)
               AZ_Assert(false, "XR Instance creation failed");
               return instResult;

            ResultCode deviceResult = InitDevice();
            if(deviceResult != ResultCode::Success)
               AZ_Assert(false, "XR device creation failed");
               return deviceResult;
            return ResultCode::Success;

        // Initialize a XR session 
        ResultCode InitializeSession(AZStd::intrusive_ptr<GraphicsBinding> graphicsBinding) override
            m_session = Factory::Get()->CreateXRSession();

                Session::SessionDescriptor sessionDesc;
                m_gbDesc = Factory::Get()->CreateGraphicsBindingDescriptor();
                sessionDesc.m_graphicsBinding = RPISystem::Get()->PopulateGrapicsBinding(m_gbDesc);
                ResultCode sessionResult = m_session->Init(sessionDesc);
                AZ_Assert(sessionResult==ResultCode::Success, "Session init failed");

                m_xrInput = Factory::Get()->CreateXRInput();
                return m_xrInput->InitializeActions(); 
            return ResultCode::Fail;  

        // Manage session lifecycle to track if RenderFrame should be called.
        bool IsSessionRunning() const override
            return m_session->IsSessionRunning();

        // Create a Swapchain which will responsible for managing
        // multiple XR swapchains and multiple swapchain images within it
        ResultCode CreateSwapchain() override
            m_swapChain = Factory::Get()->CreateSwapchain();

                ResultCode swapchainCreationResult = m_swapChain->Init(sessionDesc);
                AZ_Assert(sessionResult==ResultCode::Success, "Swapchain init failed");
                return swapchainCreationResult;
            return ResultCode::Fail; 

        // Indicate start of a frame
        void BeginFrame() override

        // Indicate end of a frame
        virtual void EndFrame() override

        // Indicate start of a XR view to help with synchronizing XR swapchain
        virtual void BeginXRView() override

        // Indicate end of a XR view to help with synchronizing XR swapchain
        virtual void EndXRView() override

        ResultCode InitInstance();

        //System Tick to poll input data
        void OnSystemTick() override
            if (exitRenderLoop) 

            if (IsSessionRunning()) 

        AZStd::intrusive_ptr<Instance> m_instance;
        AZStd::intrusive_ptr<Device> m_device;
        AZStd::intrusive_ptr<Session> m_session;
        AZStd::intrusive_ptr<Input> m_input;
        AZStd::intrusive_ptr<Input> m_swapChain;
        bool m_requestRestart = false;
        bool m_exitRenderLoop = false;
        AZStd::intrusive_ptr<RHI::XR::DeviceDescriptor> m_deviceDesc;
        AZStd::intrusive_ptr<RHI::XR::InstanceDescriptor> m_instanceDesc;
        AZStd::intrusive_ptr<RHI::XR::SwapChainDescriptor> m_swapchainDesc;
        AZStd::intrusive_ptr<RHI::XR::GraphicsBindingDescriptor> m_gbDesc;

    XRSystemInterface* XRSystemInterface::Get()
         return Interface<XRSystemInterface>::Get();

Since XRSystem inherits from AZ::SystemTickBus::Handler it will be able to use OnSystemTick to poll input as shown in the pseudocode above.

XR::Factory pseudo code As explained above we will have XR objects which are implemented by Openxr gems like OpenXrVk. In order to help get this working we can setup a XR factory that is extended by SystemComponent within OpenXrVk

The factory will act as an interface for creating XR objects. It will be a singleton and be accessed by a call to XR::Factory::Get(). The OpenXrVk::SystemComponent will be responsible creating OpenXrVk objects by calling the static function Create that resides in all the OpenXrVk objects.

namespace XR
    //! Interface responsible for creating all the XR objects which are 
    //! internally backed by concrete objects
    class Factory
        virtual ~Factory() = default;


         //! Registers the global factory instance.
         static void Register(Factory* instance);

         //! Unregisters the global factory instance.
         static void Unregister(Factory* instance);

         //! Access the global factory instance.
         static Factory& Get();

         //Create XR::Instance object
         virtual AZStd::intrusive_ptr<Instance> CreateXRInstance() = 0;

         //Create XR::Device object
         virtual AZStd::intrusive_ptr<Device> CreateXRDevice() = 0;

         //Return a list of XR::PhysicalDevice 
         AZStd::vector<AZStd::intrusive_ptr<PhysicalDevice>> EnumerateDeviceList() = 0

         //Create XR::Session object
         virtual AZStd::intrusive_ptr<Session> CreateXRSession() = 0;

         //Create XR::Input object
         virtual AZStd::intrusive_ptr<Input> CreateXRInput() = 0;

         //Create XR::SwapChain object
         virtual AZStd::intrusive_ptr<SwapChain> CreateSwapchain() = 0; 

         //Create XR::ViewSwapChain object
         virtual AZStd::intrusive_ptr<ViewSwapChain> CreateViewSwapchain() = 0;  

         //Create RHI::XR::GraphicsBindingDescriptor that will contain
         //renderer information needed to start a session
         virtual AZStd::intrusive_ptr<RHI::XR::GraphicsBindingDescriptor> CreateGraphicsBindingDescriptor() = 0;  

Below are all the XR objects which will define higher level common functionality. XR objects have no idea which gem will be implementing the XR backend. These objects should hopefully encapsulate most of the XR specific data and the API around these objects would be subject to change in future. Most of these objects are self explanatory and does not require further clarification around why they are needed. For deeper insight look at the code for OpenXrVk version of these objects.

namespace XR
    // XR::Instance class. It will be responsible for collecting all the data like 
    // form factor, physical device etc that will be needed to initialize an instance
    class Instance
        class InstanceDescriptor
            //Form Factor enum
            //XR::PhysicalDevice* physicalDevice

        virtual XR::ResultCode InitInstanceInternal() = 0; 

    // This class will be responsible for iterating over all the compatible physical
    // devices and picking one that will be used for the app
    class PhysicalDevice
        struct PhysicalDeviceDescriptor
            AZStd::string m_description;
            uint32_t m_deviceId = 0;
            //Other data related to device
        PhysicalDeviceDescriptor m_descriptor;

    // This class will be responsible for creating XR::Device instance 
    // which will then be passed to the renderer to be used as needed. 
    class Device
        struct DeviceDescriptor
            //XR::PhysicalDevice* physicalDevice

        virtual XR::ResultCode InitDeviceInternal(DeviceDescriptor descriptor) = 0;
        DeviceDescriptor m_descriptor;

    // This class will be responsible for creating XR::Session and 
    // all the code around managing the session state
    class Session
        struct SessionDescriptor
            // Graphics Binding will cntain renderer related data to start a xr session
            GraphicsBinding* m_graphicsBinding

        void Init(SessionDescriptor sessionDesc)
            return InitSessionInternal(sessionDesc);

        bool IsSessionRunning() const 
            return m_sessionRunning;

        bool IsSessionFocused() const = 0;
        virtual ResultCode InitSessionInternal(SessionDescriptor descriptor) = 0;

        SessionDescriptor m_descriptor;
        bool m_sessionRunning = false;

    // This class will be responsible for creating XR::Input
    // which manage event queue or poll actions
    Class Input
        struct InputDescriptor
            Session* m_session;

         ResultCode Init(InputDescriptor descriptor)
            m_session = descriptor.m_session;
            return InitInternal();

         virtual void PollActions() = 0;         
         virtual ResultCode InitInternal() = 0;
         AZStd::intrusive_ptr<Session> m_session;

    // This class will be responsible for creating multiple XR::SwapChain::ViewSwapchains
    // (one per view). Each XR::SwapChain::ViewSwapchain will then be responsible 
    // for manging and synchronizing multiple swapchain images 
    class SwapChain

         class Image
            struct ImageDescriptor
                uint16_t m_width;
                uint16_t m_height;
                uint16_t m_arraySize;
            ImageDescriptor m_descriptor;
         class ViewSwapChain
              //! All the images associated with this ViewSwapChain
              AZStd::vector<AZStd::intrusive_ptr<Image>> m_images;

              //! The current image index.
              uint32_t m_currentImageIndex = 0;

         //! Returns the view swapchain related to the index
         ViewSwapChain* GetViewSwapChain(const uint32_t swapchainIndex) const;

         //! Returns the image associated with the provided image 
         //! index and view swapchain index
         Image* GetImage(uint32_t imageIndex, uint32_t swapchainIndex) const;

         ResultCode Init()
            return InitInternal();

         virtual ResultCode InitInternal() = 0;

          AZStd::vector<AZStd::intrusive_ptr<ViewSwapChain>> m_viewSwapchains;    

    // This class will be responsible for managing XR Space
    class Space
        virtual ResultCode InitInternal() = 0;


OpenXRVk::XX pseudo code - This code will be part of OpenXrVk gem. Below is an example of one possible backend implementation for XR functionality

namespace OpenXR
    // Class that will help manage XrInstance
    class Instance : public XR::Instance

        static AZStd::intrusive_ptr<Instance> Create();
        XR::ResultCode InitInstanceInternal() override
            // xrCreateInstance(m_xrInstance);
            // xrGetSystem(m_systemId)
            // vkCreateInstance(m_instance)

        XrInstance m_xrInstance{ XR_NULL_HANDLE };
        AZStd::vector<XrApiLayerProperties> m_layers;
        AZStd::vector<XrExtensionProperties> m_extensions;
        XrFormFactor m_formFactor{ XR_FORM_FACTOR_HEAD_MOUNTED_DISPLAY };
        XrSystemId m_systemId{ XR_NULL_SYSTEM_ID };
        VkInstance m_instance = VK_NULL_HANDLE;

    // Class that will help manage VkPhysicalDevice
    class PhysicalDevice: public XR::PhysicalDevice

        static AZStd::intrusive_ptr<PhysicalDevice> Create();
        XR::ResultCode InitInstanceInternal() override
        VkPhysicalDevice m_physicalDevice;  

    // Class that will help manage VkDevice
    class Device: public XR::Device

        static AZStd::intrusive_ptr<Device> Create();
        XR::ResultCode InitDeviceInternal(XR::PhysicalDevice& physicalDevice) override
            // Create Vulkan Device

        VkDevice m_nativeDevice;


    // Class that will help manage XrSession
    class Session: public XR::Session
        static AZStd::intrusive_ptr<Session> Create();  
        XR::ResultCode InitSessionInternal(SessionDescriptor descriptor) override
            //AZStd::intrusive_ptr<GraphicsBinding> gBinding = static_cast<GraphicsBinding>(descriptor.m_graphicsBinding);
        void LogReferenceSpaces()
        void HandleSessionStateChangedEvent(const XrEventDataSessionStateChanged& stateChangedEvent, bool* exitRenderLoop, bool* requestRestart)
            //Handle Session state changes

        XrSession GetSession()
            return m_session;

        bool IsSessionFocused() const override
            return m_sessionState == XR_SESSION_STATE_FOCUSED;

        ResultCode InitInternal()
            //Init specific code

        XrSession m_session{ XR_NULL_HANDLE };
        // Application's current lifecycle state according to the runtime
        XrSessionState m_sessionState{XR_SESSION_STATE_UNKNOWN};
        XrFrameState m_frameState{ XR_TYPE_FRAME_STATE };

    // Class that will help manage XrSpace's'
    class Space: public XR::Space
        static AZStd::intrusive_ptr<Space> Create(); 

        XrSpaceLocation GetSpace(XrSpace space)
        ResultCode InitInternal()
            //Init specific code

        XrSpace m_baseSpace{ XR_NULL_HANDLE };

    // Class that will help manage XrSwapchain
    class SwapChain: public XR::SwapChain
        static AZStd::intrusive_ptr<SwapChain> Create();

        class Image : public XR::SwapChain::Image
            static AZStd::intrusive_ptr<Image> Create();
            VkImage m_image;
            XrSwapchainImageBaseHeader* m_swapChainImageHeader;    

        class ViewSwapChain : public XR::SwapChain::Image
            static AZStd::intrusive_ptr<ViewSwapChain> Create();
            ResultCode Init(XrSwapchain handle, uint32_t width, uint32_t height);
            XrSwapchain m_handle;
            int32_t m_width;
            int32_t m_height;      

        ResultCode InitInternal() override
             // xrEnumerateViewConfigurationViews
             for(int i = 0 ; i < views ; i++
                AZStd::intrusive_ptr<ViewSwapChain> vSwapChain = Factory::Get()->ViewSwapChain();

                    xrCreateSwapchain(.., xrSwapchainHandle, .)
        AZStd::vector<XrViewConfigurationView> m_configViews;
        AZStd::vector<XrView> m_views;
        int64_t m_colorSwapchainFormat{ -1 };

    // Class that will help manage XrActionSet/XrAction
    Class Input: public XR::Input
        static AZStd::intrusive_ptr<Input> Create();

        ResultCode Init() override

        void InitializeActions() override
            // Code to populate m_input
            // xrCreateActionSet
            // xrCreateAction
            // xrCreateActionSpace
            // xrAttachSessionActionSets

        void PollActions() override
            // xrSyncActions


        void PollEvents() override
            // .. m_session->HandleSessionStateChangedEvent

       struct InputState
            XrActionSet actionSet{ XR_NULL_HANDLE };
            XrAction grabAction{ XR_NULL_HANDLE };
            XrAction poseAction{ XR_NULL_HANDLE };
            XrAction vibrateAction{ XR_NULL_HANDLE };
            XrAction quitAction{ XR_NULL_HANDLE };
           AZStd::array<XrPath, Side::COUNT> handSubactionPath;
            AZStd::array<XrSpace, Side::COUNT> handSpace;
            AZStd::array<float, Side::COUNT> handScale = { { 1.0f, 1.0f } };
            AZStd::array<XrBool32, Side::COUNT> handActive;
        InputState m_input;

We will also need to add support for proper validation logging. This will allow us to better debug error codes across XR api. For example a function like this will be needed to log errors in case of a non successful XR error code.

bool IsSuccess(XrResult result)
    if (result != XR_SUCCESS)
        AZ_Error("XR", false, "ERROR: XR API method failed: %s", GetResultString(result));
        return false;
    return true;

RPI Following stuff will need to be done at RPI level

class RPISystem
    void RPISystem::RegisterXRSystem(XRSystemInterface* xrSystem);
        m_xrSystem = xrSystem;

    void RPISystem::Initialize()
        //RHI::Vulkan::XR::DeviceDescriptor* deviceDesc = m_xrSystem->GetDeviceDescriptor();
        //pass the devicedscriptor to RHI for device creation

        //Session creation
            RHI::XR::GraphicsBindingDescriptor* gb_desc = m_xrSystem->`GetGraphicsBindingDescriptor`();


    AZStd::intrusive_ptr<XRSystem> m_xrSystem;





1. Multi View / View instancing support As part of the perf work the first big change we should do is to implement “Multi View” support within Atom. This will essentially allow us to not duplicate CPU work related to all the passes for left and the right eye. We should be able to add support that will allow the passes to write out to texture arrays. This will be a fairly significant change to Atom. DX12 - https://microsoft.github.io/DirectX-Specs/d3d/ViewInstancing.html VK - https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.3-extensions/man/html/VK_KHR_multiview.html Metal - https://developer.apple.com/documentation/metal/render_passes/rendering_to_multiple_viewports_in_a_draw_command?language=objc

XR Render Pipeline (MultiView support) FinalXRRenderPipeline High level RHI changes

High level RPI

2. VRS (Foveated rendering) support - This will require a separate doc on VRS abstraction

3. Mobile specific optimizations (via O3de scalability work) - We can use it to disable features within the XR pipeline or lower configuration settings per feature that can help yield better perf. For example


What are the advantages of the feature?

  1. Framework to add support for AR/VR/MR
  2. Initially only supported on Quest 2

What are the disadvantages of the feature?

  1. More complexity across all the gems within Atom space
  2. Higher maintenance burden as we are essentially increasing our number of supported platforms
  3. Different XR render pipeline means more work around supporting it

How will this be implemented or integrated into the O3DE environment?

Recommended Development Plan in iterative steps

  1. RHI OpenXR sample with Vk renderer (using Oculus link)
    1. Add support for XR and OpenXrVk gems.
    2. RHI OpenXR sample within AtomSampleViewer
      1. XR initialization support
      2. Setup a simple XR pipeline (in c++) that renders a cube per xr Space
      3. Extract view data per view and create a framegraph that will execute a simple XR pipeline twice. It could look like BeginXRView(Left eye)→RenderCube→EndXRView(Left eye)->BeginXRView(Right eye)→RenderCube→EndXRView(Right eye)
      4. Extract Positional data per space from XR gem and feed that to the RenderCube pass
  2. RHI sample support on Android (i.e Quest 2)
    1. Add support for the sample to run on Android so we do not need to use Oculus link.
  3. Dx12 support (based on capacity). Drop this if needed
  4. RPI support on PC
    1. Add a the proper XR pipeline using the pass data (described in the doc above)
    2. Setup usage of this pipeline when XR is enabled
    3. Setup multi view support within shaders + code
  5. RPI support on Android
  6. Multi View support on RHI sample (VK only at first)
  7. Multi View support integrated within RPI
  8. Profile + optimizations as described und the perf section

Are there any alternatives to this feature?

No alternatives at the moment

How will users learn this feature?

  1. Initially this feature will only be added as a support within the engine core.
  2. Eventually we will add editor specific components (for example XRCameraComponent) that will allow placing XR specific content within a level

Oen questions?

  1. Should we add support for Dx12 at the same time as Vk or leave that for later. Adding DX12 earlier will help harden the XRSystemInterface api
  2. What is our perf target this year and what kind of content will this perf target be attached to?
HeadClot commented 2 years ago

Hey just want to chime in on this. I am so happy this is finally an RFC.

Is there going to be some form of interaction framework for the OpenXR side of things? Here are some examples of interaction frameworks for various engines.

https://vreue4.com/ - Unreal Engine https://www.vrtk.io/ - Unity

moudgils commented 2 years ago

Hey just want to chime in on this. I am so happy this is finally an RFC.

Is there going to be some form of interaction framework for the OpenXR side of things? Here are some examples of interaction frameworks for various engines.

https://vreue4.com/ - Unreal Engine https://www.vrtk.io/ - Unity

Once we have XR gem in place the idea is that it will provide access to all XR objects. As a result other gems will be able to communicate with the XR gem and build more advanced framework around XR related data processing. This specific RFC mostly focuses on the rendering side of XR interactions with Atom (O3de renderer) but I can imagine other gems working with XR gem and processing data related to input, audio, etc.

HeadClot commented 2 years ago

Hey just want to chime in on this. I am so happy this is finally an RFC. Is there going to be some form of interaction framework for the OpenXR side of things? Here are some examples of interaction frameworks for various engines. https://vreue4.com/ - Unreal Engine https://www.vrtk.io/ - Unity

Once we have XR gem in place the idea is that it will provide access to all XR objects. As a result other gems will be able to communicate with the XR gem and build more advanced framework around XR related data processing. This specific RFC mostly focuses on the rendering side of XR interactions with Atom (O3de renderer) but I can imagine other gems working with XR gem and processing data related to input, audio, etc.

Ok good to know and thank you for replying to my question. :)

galibzon commented 2 years ago

Approved by sig/graphics-audio on May 18th, 2022

AMZN-Gene commented 1 year ago

Should approved RFC's be visible here? https://github.com/o3de/sig-graphics-audio/tree/main/rfcs

moudgils commented 1 year ago

Yes. It needs to be manually moved there but I think only a few people have permission to do that.