Find the specific event you are interested in attending and getting feedback on.
In the comment section of that ticket place the details you would like to talk about.
Please include your name and/or Discord Name
The area of topic you would like to cover
The amount of time you might need to review this topic
Any individuals you have been already working
Any specific people you would like to attend this session for help.
How can I use office hours:
Request a "sign-off" on your project from the UI-UX SIG.
Usability/UX review of your designs/mock-ups.
Discuss certain customer pain points or UX related topics.
Brainstorm ideas or solutions to a user problem or feature.
Submit user research or UX design requests.
What should I bring to the office hour:
Nothing is required but the following items would be helpful
A brief project overview or documentation, This should include the following
A simple user problem statement. As a user I want to solve this problem...
Who is your audience? Who are the users/user groups affected by the change?
What is your vision behind this change or update?
What is your UX issue related to: user interface, usability testing, learnability, documentation etc?
Materials/Workflows of the existing product. Sketches or wire-frames of ideas. PR/FAQ are also help.
Cut-off time / cancellation
The UI-UX SIG Office Hours is sign-up based. We will check the topics 24 hours before the scheduled office hour, if no one signs up in the session, we will lock down the agenda of that day.
If you are unable to attend after signing up, Please just reach out in discord or on the ticket to let us know about the change.
SIG-UI-UX Office Hours for XX-XX-XXXX
Hi O3DE Community, We want to invite you to our UX UI design review and office hours.
The SIG-UI-UX Meetings repo contains the history past calls, including a link to the agenda, recording, notes, and resources.
To sign up the Office Hours.
Please add a comment to this ticket with following information:
This is a bi-weekly meeting will cover the following items.
How do I sign up get feedback?
How can I use office hours:
Cut-off time / cancellation