SortFilterProxyModel {
id: allActiveObjectsModel
sourceModel: myControlledObjectsModel
filtres: [
ExprrssionFilter {
expression: { return model.status.isActive }
triggerOnRoles: [ 'status' ] // List only roles affecting the result of expression
My suggestion is: for the allActiveObjectsModel the 'telemetry' role does never change the result of filtering. So, we really should not call the expression and waste cpu time on it.
Do not have a nice idea how to implement this, let it be a long-term issue.
In general, when we are using Expression {} filter, the return value of the expression is determined by a fixed list of roles.
For example, a code looks like:
My suggestion is: for the allActiveObjectsModel the 'telemetry' role does never change the result of filtering. So, we really should not call the expression and waste cpu time on it.
Do not have a nice idea how to implement this, let it be a long-term issue.