oOve / lasers

FoundryVTT module for lasers, or lightbeams that can be colored, or reflected using mirrors.
MIT License
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Interaction with Monks Active Tiles #4

Closed oOve closed 2 years ago

oOve commented 2 years ago

Let the light-target token trigger its underlying tile when its state changes.

TileDocument.trigger(); will technically work. But you can call it with the following options { tokens: tokens, method: "Your Method Name", pt: {x: 0, y: 0}}

tokens should be an array of TokenDocuments, and pt is the point that the Tile was activated and is optional. method is only recoded in the history, but should be some way to identify that it was your module that triggered the Tile.

oOve commented 2 years ago

Implemented in version 1.6.2