oSumAtrIX / DownOnSpot

🎧 A Spotify music and playlist downloader working with free Spotify accounts written in Rust
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Add Spotify URI as tag data #85

Open 0xNF opened 2 weeks ago

0xNF commented 2 weeks ago

See also: https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/concepts/spotify-uris-ids

This field is formatted like such: spotify:track:6rqhFgbbKwnb9MLmUQDhG6

It would be nice to have this as a tag in the downloaded audio files. This would enable extra utility like faster scanning for already-downloaded files without wasting API calls, allow users to do better lookups back into Spotify with other API-enabled tools, and just be better, more complete record keeping.

I've experimented with adding this in using the IDv3 Extended Tag WOAS ("SourceURL"), and the custom ogg tag "SOURCEURL", and it works nice in my own fork, but I'd like to hear others' input.

0xNF commented 1 week ago

There seems to be a lesser known but standard IDv3 UFID tag taking the form of ufid:$source $id, for example
ufid:http://musicbrainz.org 126cc184-b2a6-4743-803b-0953c85f7b0f

Maybe ufid:spotify.com would be a better tag to use.

The tag is defined as such:

4.1.   Unique file identifier

   This frame's purpose is to be able to identify the audio file in a
   database, that may provide more information relevant to the content.
   Since standardisation of such a database is beyond this document, all
   UFID frames begin with an 'owner identifier' field. It is a null-
   terminated string with a URL [URL] containing an email address, or a
   link to a location where an email address can be found, that belongs
   to the organisation responsible for this specific database
   implementation. Questions regarding the database should be sent to
   the indicated email address. The URL should not be used for the
   actual database queries. The string
   "http://www.id3.org/dummy/ufid.html" should be used for tests. The
   'Owner identifier' must be non-empty (more than just a termination).
   The 'Owner identifier' is then followed by the actual identifier,
   which may be up to 64 bytes. There may be more than one "UFID" frame
   in a tag, but only one with the same 'Owner identifier'.

     <Header for 'Unique file identifier', ID: "UFID">
     Owner identifier        <text string> $00
     Identifier              <up to 64 bytes binary data>

I think I'd have preferred the key to not be a URL, but since its defined as being one, possible key values could be:

oSumAtrIX commented 1 week ago

Spotify.com sounds reasonable.