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Veeam RHV Backup 12.1 RemoveImageTicketVDS failed #911

Open humnab opened 5 months ago

humnab commented 5 months ago


we used Veeam 12 since oVirt 4.5.3 an had no problems until Veeam 12.1, now we get for many VM backup jobs (as far as could investige until now it only happens with incremental backups):

command RemoveImageTicketVDS failed: Image daemon request failed: 'status=500, reason=Internal Server Error, error=Server failed to perform the request, check logs\n'

Veeam refuses to support us as we are not on official RHV, but the problems startet with the Veeam update to 12.1 and updating Engine to 4.5.5 and 4.5.6 / NodeNG to 4.5.5 didn't make a difference, so I assume the problem is an Veeam side.

My question is if anyone else uses Veeam with oVirt and gets the same or no errors?

jonsattelberger commented 5 months ago

I have the same issue with Veeam 12.1 and the Veeam Backup for RHEV 4 plugin. I tracked down the RemoveImageTicketVDS issue to ovirt-imageio, specially the 'status=500' message.


The other issue I discovered along the way was the backup may continue to fail. This could be related to pre-existing snapshots of the VM. Sometimes the "actual size" of the virtual hard disk will register zero bytes. This will cause the Veeam backup transfer to fail unexpectedly. This certainly was not the case before. Then task gets stuck in a "Finalizing" state. It was necessary to cancel the process using the CLI. I used the oVirt SDK installed on the engine, but it should work anywhere that the SDK is installed.

engine ~]$ /usr/share/doc/python3-ovirt-engine-sdk4/examples/backup_vm.py -c <engine-id> stop <vm-id> <backup-id>

The <engine-id> is set in ~/.config/ovirt.conf with the engine URL, SSL CA certificate, credentials (setup). The <vm-id> can be found in the oVirt engine UI. The <backup-id> can be found using the ovirt-engine API (OAuth Authentication, VmBackups).

Eventually I removed all the old and lingering snapshots. The actual size of the hard disk is properly reported in the oVirt UI. The backups have been completing successfully.

oVirt 4.5.6, GlusterFS, RHEL.