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Issue: /develop/release-management/features/storage/spmpriority.html #2732

Open henning opened 2 years ago

henning commented 2 years ago

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Description of the problem

the abbreviation SPM is not explained and it appears to be a not very commin thing.

Googling for it with and without addding other words like "SPM cluster" "SPM ovirt" "datascenter SPM" does not lead to a consistent result that makes it understandable what the letters stand for.

In my opinion abbrevations and their meaning can be better understood and memorized when it's clear what they mean.

Not only in a long explanation but also why it consists of these letters and which words they actually abbreviate.

I cannot propose a better solution because I still dont understand what the letters stand for in terms of words.

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Documentation issue | Content issue | Formatting issue | 404 | something else

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Help needed from (use @mention to request assistance)

apinnick commented 2 years ago

This should be fixed but I can't help you because the developers area of the site is not part of downstream docs. SPM = Storage Pool Manager

@sandrobonazzola Can you assign this issue to an oVirt content maintainer? Thanks.

sandrobonazzola commented 2 years ago

As authors of https://ovirt.org/develop/release-management/features/storage/spmpriority.html perhaps @oourfali @danielerez @msalem (assuming it's Muli Salem github account) may help as well.