oVirt / terraform-provider-ovirt

Terraform provider for oVirt 4.x
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[Cannot attach Virtual Disk because the VM is in Image Locked status.] #37

Closed bmanojlovic closed 6 years ago

bmanojlovic commented 6 years ago

when trying to create VM from template , it is possible to trigger race condition in case that machine is still not fully deployed. API trace follows

POST /ovirt-engine/api/vms/c03afc56-6858-4052-bb86-50df01d75860/diskattachments HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: GoSDK/4.3.0.a1
Content-Length: 969
Accept: application/xml
Authorization: Bearer XXXX
Content-Type: application/xml
Version: 4
Connection: close

<disk_attachment><active>true</active><bootable>false</bootable><disk id="46399cce-8076-4af2-8226-d67e244e7493"><actual_size>1073741824</actual_size><alias>my_disk_1</alias><disk_profile id="2835b7cd-23e8-47cd-852e-a865470fb85a"></disk_profile><format>cow</format><image_id>8729f13d-6909-4821-b4db-04eb96a97252</image_id><name>my_disk_1</name><permissions></permissions><propagate_errors>false</propagate_errors><provisioned_size>23687091200</provisioned_size><qcow_version>qcow2_v3</qcow_version><quota id="4d56a7d8-8ce7-11e8-adbf-74d02b9d5600"></quota><shareable>false</shareable><sparse>true</sparse><statistics></statistics><status>ok</status><storage_domains><storage_domain id="4726c5b4-8ce7-11e8-bfc6-74d02b9d5600"></storage_domain></storage_domains><storage_type>image</storage_type><wipe_after_delete>false</wipe_after_delete></disk><interface>virtio</interface><read_only>false</read_only><uses_scsi_reservation>false</uses_scsi_reservation></disk_attachment>
HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2018 20:32:27 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.6 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) OpenSSL/1.0.2k-fips
Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 203
Correlation-Id: 9b574f6a-25b8-4cb0-9d56-530afca871b8
Connection: close

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <detail>[Cannot attach Virtual Disk because the VM is in Image Locked status.]</detail>
    <reason>Operation Failed</reason>
imjoey commented 6 years ago

I'll check it out. Please add your terraform configurations and regenerated steps. Thanks. 😄

bmanojlovic commented 6 years ago

so what i have done is next, i created template from cloudimage using ansible: ansible-playbook image-upload.yml content of that playbook is next:

- name: oVirt image template
  hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false
    - passwords.yml
    engine_user: admin@internal
    engine_cafile: /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem
    qcow_url: https://cloud.centos.org/centos/7/images/CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud.qcow2
    template_cluster: MYCluster
    template_name: centos7_20180720
    template_operating_system: rhel_7x64
    template_memory: 4GiB
    template_type: server
    template_cpu: 4
    template_disk_size: 10GiB
      - { name: nic1, profile_name: rhevm, interface: virtio }

    - oVirt.image-template

after it is created i used it for next step, my .tf file:

variable "ovirt_url" {}
variable "ovirt_username" {}
variable "ovirt_pass" {}

provider "ovirt" {
  username = "${var.ovirt_username}"
  url      = "${var.ovirt_url}"
  password = "${var.ovirt_pass}"

data "ovirt_datacenters" "DC" {
  name_regex = "MYDC"

data "ovirt_storagedomains" "sd" {
  name_regex = "MYDC_DS"

  search = {
    criteria = "external_status = ok and datacenter = ${data.ovirt_datacenters.DC.datacenters.0.name}"

    #    max            = 1
    case_sensitive = false

resource "ovirt_disk" "my_disk_1" {
  name   = "my_disk_1"
  alias  = "my_disk_1"
  size   = 23687091200
  format = "cow"

  storage_domain_id = "${data.ovirt_storagedomains.sd.storagedomains.0.id}"
  sparse            = true

resource "ovirt_disk_attachment" "my_diskattachment_1" {
  disk_id   = "${ovirt_disk.my_disk_1.id}"
  vm_id     = "${ovirt_vm.my_vm_1.id}"
  bootable  = false
  interface = "virtio"

data "ovirt_networks" "net01" {
  name_regex = "MYNET"

  search = {
    criteria       = "datacenter = ${data.ovirt_datacenters.DC.datacenters.0.name} and name = MYNET"
    max            = 1
    case_sensitive = false

data "ovirt_networks" "net02" {
  name_regex = "NET2"

  search = {
    criteria       = "datacenter = ${data.ovirt_datacenters.DC.datacenters.0.name} and name = NET2"
    max            = 1
    case_sensitive = false

resource "ovirt_vm" "my_vm_1" {
  name               = "my_vm_1"
  cluster            = "MYCluster"
  authorized_ssh_key = "${file(pathexpand("~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"))}"

  network_interface {
    network     = "${data.ovirt_networks.net01.networks.0.name}"
    label       = "eth0"
    boot_proto  = "static"
    ip_address  = ""
    gateway     = ""
    subnet_mask = ""

  network_interface {
    network     = "${data.ovirt_networks.net02.networks.0.name}"
    label       = "eth1"
    boot_proto  = "static"
    ip_address  = ""
    gateway     = ""
    subnet_mask = ""

  template = "centos7_20180720"

and terraform apply

terraform apply -auto-approve
data.ovirt_datacenters.DC: Refreshing state...
data.ovirt_networks.net01: Refreshing state...
data.ovirt_networks.net02: Refreshing state...
data.ovirt_storagedomains.sd: Refreshing state...
ovirt_disk.my_disk_1: Creating...
  alias:             "" => "my_disk_1"
  format:            "" => "cow"
  name:              "" => "my_disk_1"
  size:              "" => "23687091200"
  sparse:            "" => "true"
  storage_domain_id: "" => "40164660-8dbd-11e8-995c-74d02b9d5600"
ovirt_vm.my_vm_1: Creating...
  authorized_ssh_key:              "" => "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2\n"
  cluster:                         "" => "MYCluster"
  cores:                           "" => "1"
  name:                            "" => "my_vm_1"
  network_interface.#:             "0" => "2"
  network_interface.0.boot_proto:  "" => "static"
  network_interface.0.gateway:     "" => ""
  network_interface.0.ip_address:  "" => ""
  network_interface.0.label:       "" => "eth0"
  network_interface.0.network:     "" => "MYNET"
  network_interface.0.on_boot:     "" => "true"
  network_interface.0.subnet_mask: "" => ""
  network_interface.1.boot_proto:  "" => "static"
  network_interface.1.gateway:     "" => ""
  network_interface.1.ip_address:  "" => ""
  network_interface.1.label:       "" => "eth1"
  network_interface.1.network:     "" => "NET2"
  network_interface.1.on_boot:     "" => "true"
  network_interface.1.subnet_mask: "" => ""
  sockets:                         "" => "1"
  template:                        "" => "centos7_20180720"
  threads:                         "" => "1"
ovirt_disk.my_disk_1: Creation complete after 1s (ID: dd1a0776-e0c9-4245-a664-01adfe4e7740)
ovirt_vm.my_vm_1: Still creating... (10s elapsed)
ovirt_vm.my_vm_1: Creation complete after 10s (ID: 838146cc-0064-4b2b-bb5a-e471aa62bd53)
ovirt_disk_attachment.my_diskattachment_1: Creating...
  active:               "" => "true"
  bootable:             "" => "false"
  disk_id:              "" => "dd1a0776-e0c9-4245-a664-01adfe4e7740"
  interface:            "" => "virtio"
  read_only:            "" => "false"
  use_scsi_reservation: "" => "false"
  vm_id:                "" => "838146cc-0064-4b2b-bb5a-e471aa62bd53"

Error: Error applying plan:

1 error(s) occurred:

* ovirt_disk_attachment.my_diskattachment_1: 1 error(s) occurred:

* ovirt_disk_attachment.my_diskattachment_1: Fault reason is "Operation Failed". Fault detail is "[Cannot attach Virtual Disk because the VM is in Image Locked status.]". HTTP response code is "409". HTTP response message is "409 Conflict".

Terraform does not automatically rollback in the face of errors.
Instead, your Terraform state file has been partially updated with
any resources that successfully completed. Please address the error
above and apply again to incrementally change your infrastructure.

make: *** [Makefile:3: apply] Error 1
bmanojlovic commented 6 years ago

here is ASCII cast of race condition. and i have "cleaned up" my terraform file, so i can easy share it now :)

variable "ovirt_url" {}
variable "ovirt_username" {}
variable "ovirt_pass" {}
variable "dc_name_regex" {}
variable "dc_ds_name_regex" {}
variable "cl_name_regex" {}
variable "vm_net01_name" {}
variable "vm_net01_ip" {}
variable "vm_net01_gw" {}
variable "vm_net01_nm" {}
variable "vm_net02_name" {}
variable "vm_net02_ip" {}
variable "vm_net02_gw" {}
variable "vm_net02_nm" {}
variable "vm_name" {}
variable "vm_template" {}
variable "vm_disk_name" {}

variable "vm_disk_size" {}

provider "ovirt" {
  username = "${var.ovirt_username}"
  url      = "${var.ovirt_url}"
  password = "${var.ovirt_pass}"

data "ovirt_datacenters" "DC" {
  name_regex = "${var.dc_name_regex}"

data "ovirt_storagedomains" "sd" {
  name_regex = "${var.dc_ds_name_regex}"

  search = {
    criteria       = "external_status = ok and datacenter = ${data.ovirt_datacenters.DC.datacenters.0.name}"
    case_sensitive = false

resource "ovirt_disk" "additional_disk" {
  name   = "${var.vm_disk_name}"
  alias  = "${var.vm_disk_name}"
  size   = "${var.vm_disk_size}"
  format = "cow"

  storage_domain_id = "${data.ovirt_storagedomains.sd.storagedomains.0.id}"
  sparse            = true

resource "ovirt_disk_attachment" "my_diskattachment_1" {
  disk_id   = "${ovirt_disk.additional_disk.id}"
  vm_id     = "${ovirt_vm.vm01.id}"
  bootable  = false
  interface = "virtio"

data "ovirt_networks" "net01" {
  name_regex = "${var.vm_net01_name}"

  search = {
    criteria       = "datacenter = ${data.ovirt_datacenters.DC.datacenters.0.name} and name = ${var.vm_net01_name}"
    max            = 1
    case_sensitive = false

data "ovirt_networks" "net02" {
  name_regex = "${var.vm_net02_name}"

  search = {
    criteria       = "datacenter = ${data.ovirt_datacenters.DC.datacenters.0.name} and name = ${var.vm_net02_name}"
    max            = 1
    case_sensitive = false

resource "ovirt_vm" "vm01" {
  name               = "${var.vm_name}"
  cluster            = "${var.cl_name_regex}"
  authorized_ssh_key = "${file(pathexpand("~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"))}"

  network_interface {
    network     = "${data.ovirt_networks.net01.networks.0.name}"
    label       = "eth0"
    boot_proto  = "static"
    ip_address  = "${var.vm_net01_ip}"
    gateway     = "${var.vm_net01_gw}"
    subnet_mask = "${var.vm_net01_nm}"

  network_interface {
    network     = "${data.ovirt_networks.net02.networks.0.name}"
    label       = "eth1"
    boot_proto  = "static"
    ip_address  = "${var.vm_net02_ip}"
    gateway     = "${var.vm_net02_gw}"
    subnet_mask = "${var.vm_net02_nm}"

  template = "${var.vm_template}"

output "diskattachment_id" {
  value = "${ovirt_disk_attachment.my_diskattachment_1.id}"

output "vm_id" {
  value = "${ovirt_vm.vm01.id}"

output "network_id" {
  value = "${data.ovirt_datacenters.DC.0.id}"

output "vm_additional_disk" {
  value = "${ovirt_disk.additional_disk.id}"
MichaelMalike commented 6 years ago

The usage is not the typical usage of oVirt. In oVirt you can not create a vm from template(the template has disk) and add a additional disk in the same time. You can create the vm first, and then update it for additional disk. If you insist on this usage, you need a schema which can check the status of vm, only add additional disk when the status of vm is OK.

imjoey commented 6 years ago

@bmanojlovic Now there's no a retry mechanism when attaching a new disk to a vm. I will work on it soon.

imjoey commented 6 years ago

hi @bmanojlovic , the pr #40 may fix this issue. Please let me know your result. Thanks.

bmanojlovic commented 6 years ago

as mentioned in #40 issue is now that i do not receive from API VM template name so some other racy thing is going on. Will continue to investigate.