oae / gnome-shell-pano

Next-gen Clipboard Manager for Gnome Shell
GNU General Public License v2.0
1k stars 53 forks source link

Text/Numbers copied on LibreOffice Calc converts to image #172

Open iMprjkt opened 1 year ago

iMprjkt commented 1 year ago


Text/numbers copied from Libreoffice Calc is converted to image

Problem Explanation

Text/numbers copied from Libreoffice Calc is converted to image. One can still paste the text immediately after copying. The image is pasted if one tries to paste from Pano. Not the case with other Clipboard Extensions.

Expected Behavior

A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen, and how the actual outcome differs:


You need: Libreoffice Calc Pano Clipboard Extension

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Open Libreoffice Calc
  2. Enter text/numbers in cells
  3. Select the cell(s)
  4. Copy text/numbers
  5. Open Pano Clipboard
  6. The text/numbers show up as image
  7. Pasting the copied item later from Pano Clipboard history will paste an image instead of the text/numbers.


It happens with any application?

Issue only found in LibreOffice Calc.

It happens only on one computer?

Currently tried on one machine.

It happens only with some specific gnome configuration?

Need to confirm on other distros


Under what conditions does it happen?


Application Details

What is pasted, if applicable

text, numbers

Application Version

Version 19

Output and Logs


Command: journalctl --since=now --follow /usr/bin/gnome-shell

Mar 14 11:34:28 Desktop45 gnome-shell[2774]: == Stack trace for context 0x55aeda63e320 ==
Mar 14 11:34:28 Desktop45 gnome-shell[2774]: #0   7ffd60d24790 b   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/dateMenu.js:490 (396b34241790 @ 165)
Mar 14 11:34:28 Desktop45 gnome-shell[2774]: #1   7ffd60d24880 b   self-hosted:1121 (2a2ab8b7eec0 @ 463)
Mar 14 11:34:28 Desktop45 gnome-shell[2774]: == Stack trace for context 0x55aeda63e320 ==
Mar 14 11:34:28 Desktop45 gnome-shell[2774]: #0   7ffd60d24790 b   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/dateMenu.js:490 (396b34241790 @ 165)
Mar 14 11:34:28 Desktop45 gnome-shell[2774]: #1   7ffd60d24880 b   self-hosted:1121 (2a2ab8b7eec0 @ 463)
Mar 14 11:34:28 Desktop45 gnome-shell[2774]: == Stack trace for context 0x55aeda63e320 ==
Mar 14 11:34:28 Desktop45 gnome-shell[2774]: #0   7ffd60d24790 b   resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/dateMenu.js:490 (396b34241790 @ 165)
Mar 14 11:34:28 Desktop45 gnome-shell[2774]: #1   7ffd60d24880 b   self-hosted:1121 (2a2ab8b7eec0 @ 463)
Mar 14 11:34:28 Desktop45 gnome-shell[2774]: clutter_text_get_editable: assertion 'CLUTTER_IS_TEXT (self)' failed
Mar 14 11:34:28 Desktop45 gnome-shell[2774]: clutter_text_get_text: assertion 'CLUTTER_IS_TEXT (self)' failed
Mar 14 11:34:28 Desktop45 gnome-shell[2774]: clutter_text_set_text: assertion 'CLUTTER_IS_TEXT (self)' failed
Mar 14 11:34:28 Desktop45 gnome-shell[2774]: Object St.Label (0x55aeded5dd30), has been already disposed — impossible to set any property on it. This might be caused by the object having been destroyed from C code using something such as destroy(), dispose(), or remove() vfuncs.
Mar 14 11:34:28 Desktop45 gnome-shell[2774]: clutter_text_get_editable: assertion 'CLUTTER_IS_TEXT (self)' failed
Mar 14 11:34:28 Desktop45 gnome-shell[2774]: clutter_text_get_text: assertion 'CLUTTER_IS_TEXT (self)' failed
Mar 14 11:34:28 Desktop45 gnome-shell[2774]: clutter_text_set_text: assertion 'CLUTTER_IS_TEXT (self)' failed
Mar 14 11:34:28 Desktop45 gnome-shell[2774]: Object St.Label (0x55aedf8e8b60), has been already disposed — impossible to set any property on it. This might be caused by the object having been destroyed from C code using something such as destroy(), dispose(), or remove() vfuncs.

Pano Configuration

Command: dconf dump /org/gnome/shell/extensions/pano/


body-font-family='IBM Plex Mono'

metadata-font-family='IBM Plex Sans'

body-font-family='IBM Plex Sans'

metadata-font-family='IBM Plex Sans'

metadata-description-font-family='IBM Plex Sans'
metadata-link-font-family='IBM Plex Sans'
metadata-title-font-family='IBM Plex Sans'

body-font-family='IBM Plex Sans'

Enabled Extensions

Command: dconf read /org/gnome/shell/enabled-extensions | tr ' ' '\n'

