oae / gnome-shell-pano

Next-gen Clipboard Manager for Gnome Shell
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Auto-pastes in Gnome Shell overview search field directly on log in #232

Closed thyttan closed 6 months ago

thyttan commented 8 months ago


Problem Explanation

The bug happens when I log in to my system. The top clipboard entry will be automatically entered into the gnome shell overview search field.

It happens only if 'Paste on Select' setting is toggled on. If it is toggled off the bug does not occur.

Expected Behavior

A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen, and how the actual outcome differs:


How one can find the bug?

Steps To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce, if applicable:

  1. Have 'Paste on Select' setting toggle on.
  2. Log in from having been logged out.
  3. BUG: The top clipboard entry is automatically entered in gnome shell overview search field
  4. See the bug happening in the ...


Mark with [ ] all that applies:

It happens with any application?

It happens only on one computer?

It happens only with some specific gnome configuration?

It happens only with some specific extension installed?


Under what conditions does it happen?

Fill in all information that applies:



Screenshot from 2023-11-09 02-08-47

Screenshot 1 description

Overview directly after log on.

Application Details

What is pasted, if applicable

The contents of the top entry on the clipboard.

Application Version

$ gnome-shell --version
GNOME Shell 45.1

Output and Logs


Command: journalctl --since=now --follow /usr/bin/gnome-shell

$ journalctl --since=now --follow /usr/bin/gnome-shell

Pano Configuration

Command: dconf dump /org/gnome/shell/extensions/pano/

$ dconf dump /org/gnome/shell/extensions/pano/

Enabled Extensions

Command: dconf read /org/gnome/shell/enabled-extensions | tr ' ' '\n'

$ dconf read /org/gnome/shell/enabled-extensions | tr ' ' '\n'

(I also get the bug if I disable all other 'Manually installed' extensions apart from Pano)

thyttan commented 8 months ago

Just noticed this is also mentioned here: https://github.com/oae/gnome-shell-pano/pull/222#issuecomment-1793323824

Pkcarreno commented 7 months ago

It not only happened in gnome search bar, if I have an app with input in the current window then it pastes the last content copied in that app, for example: the terminal

btw, it is not necessary to log out, when suspend happens too.

KoljaFrahm commented 7 months ago

I can confirm this issue

salloom-domani commented 7 months ago

same here

spiftire commented 7 months ago

Happens to me as well

ahming9486 commented 7 months ago

Have same issue here, will auto paste after unlocking from lock screen. Ubuntu 23.10 with Gnome Shell 45.0

LeGmask commented 7 months ago

I've the same issue image