oakes / Nightcode

An IDE for Clojure
The Unlicense
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Parinfer mangles pasted code #157

Closed jcrumpton closed 8 years ago

jcrumpton commented 8 years ago

Pasting code into Nightcode mangles the grouping symbols. For example pasting (from http://www.braveclojure.com/do-things/)

(if true "By Zeus's hammer!" "By Aquaman's trident!")

results in

(if true) "By Zeus's hammer!" "By Aquaman's trident!"

This is true for both the REPL pane and the editor. Is it possible to disable parinfer, either all together or at least during pasting code?

oakes commented 8 years ago

This issue should now be fixed. Please let me know if you still see paste issues with the latest commit.

jcrumpton commented 8 years ago

It now works great in the editor pane. The pane in the lower left (I called it the REPL pane but maybe it is called the pad?) still mangles the parentheses.~ It works in the pane on the lower right if I give it time to complete the parinfer.


oakes commented 8 years ago

Are you sure? I tried pasting your if statement into the REPL pane and it looks like this:


oakes commented 8 years ago

Ah I see, thank you for testing it out. I'll go ahead with a new release.