oakes / odoyle-rum-todo

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Extend example with dynodocs #1

Open drewverlee opened 3 years ago

drewverlee commented 3 years ago


It would be useful in development to automatically turn any odoyle what -> then block into a dynadoc example. with the "what" considered the name/docs and then being an interactive example.

This functionality wouldn't fit within this demo. But this is seemingly the best place to ask. I would see this as a separate library invokable as a clj alias e.g odoyle-docs.

If that sounds like a good idea, I'll put some effort into making it happen. I might need to ask you questions in order to get it done in a reasonable amount of time.

oakes commented 3 years ago

Interesting idea. I really hoped that dynadoc could overlap with devcards in that way. If you want to try it out, start with this example project. It already displays a reagent component as an interactive example. I haven't thought enought about how an odoyle rum example would work but there might be something to it.

drewverlee commented 3 years ago

I really hoped that dynadoc could overlap with devcards in that way.

In what way?

oakes commented 3 years ago

I wanted it to be useful as a development tool for building frontend components, just like devcards is. If you watch the dynadoc screencast, i actually demoed this -- dynadoc will hot reload your examples as you write them. In theory you could use this to build your components in isolation, rather than directly in your app, which can be difficult in really big apps.