oakestra / oakestra

A Lightweight Hierarchical Orchestration Framework for Edge Computing
Apache License 2.0
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Addons Engine + Marketplace #315

Open melkodary opened 3 weeks ago

melkodary commented 3 weeks ago


Extending root-orchestrator without bloating the system and allowing users to enable features and swap out features with other ones, for instance swapping out the scheduler with a new one.





It's necessary to have a system that is not bloated with too many features and that would make developers life hard to maintain otherwise. Also a system that is tailored more to users needs is probably a faster system, because unnecessary features are not added. Only the users needed extensions are installed. Also it provides customizability where users can swap base features with other ones, for example changing the way the scheduler works.


Depends on how it's used. If new feature will swap out another feature, then existing dependents on the new feature are affected.


Implemented but needs review and further testing.


Malyuk-A commented 3 weeks ago

Is it intended that those 3 share the same name? If they are different it would be helpful to have distinct names. image

melkodary commented 3 weeks ago

Is it intended that those 3 share the same name? If they are different it would be helpful to have distinct names. image

Fixed! Thanks for pointing it out.

Malyuk-A commented 3 weeks ago

How are the addons_engine and addons_marketplace intended to be launched? In the code, they are separate from the root orchestrator. Is this just for now or should this be like that? For local testing should I simply build and run their dockerfiles or am I missing smth?