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Visualization to track schizophrenic behavior #5

Open oakmac opened 8 years ago

oakmac commented 8 years ago

My older sister has schizophrenia and most communication with her (email, texts, phone calls, etc) show some clear sign of delusional thinking. This doesn't happen as often when she is taking antipsychotic medication.

I think a visualization of my family's communication with her would be useful. It could be modeled similar to the GitHub user's contribution graph, with each square representing a day. Instances of delusional communication could be logged and marked with a red color; "normal", non-delusional communication could also be logged and marked with a green color. It might also be helpful to have a small quantitative scale to describe the degree of delusions or a positive indicator when she communicates forward-thinking and self-awareness.

I would love to see a graph like this over time to show correlations with taking medication, living arrangements, activities, interactions with certain people, etc. I'm sure it would help to highlight trends in behavior and potentially catch times when she is "trending" toward more delusional thinking.

Taking this idea more generally, such a log + visualization tool could be useful for a host of diseases and conditions.