Basically, very similar to what it does now in a tabular format and...
Search by all columns - Name, Country, Experience Level, T.Study Buddy?
Members only (not FTR Customers)
Blanks or N/A at the end of a search, not at the beginning
When searching for "T.Study Buddy?", put Yes at the top
Remove email from the search (that's meant to be private)
In 'real terms' the main idea with the directory is so that you can connect with other members 1:1. Many people are looking for a Study Buddy and we want to make this easy for them. Even better if you could use multiple search factors - e.g. I'm looking for a study buddy in Australia who is a T.Beginner. (bonus points if you can do that!)
Sometimes members want to find specific people - e.g. by name too.
Immediate concern - as discussed; hack current plugin to fix
Basically, very similar to what it does now in a tabular format and...
In 'real terms' the main idea with the directory is so that you can connect with other members 1:1. Many people are looking for a Study Buddy and we want to make this easy for them. Even better if you could use multiple search factors - e.g. I'm looking for a study buddy in Australia who is a T.Beginner. (bonus points if you can do that!)
Sometimes members want to find specific people - e.g. by name too.
Immediate concern - as discussed; hack current plugin to fix