Closed 1925381584 closed 7 months ago
Maybe you want to use Orderless also as pattern compiler for consult-grep etc? See
However consult-locate
is a special command since locate does not necessarily understand regular expressions, since these won't work efficiently with the locate database index.
yes, as you say, first locate database index need support Chinese Pinyin first letter search,if it don't support, when you send "nh" to locate, it can't answer you "你好"
I just took another look at consult--locate-builder
. This function builds the locate command line, splits the input argument and then passes the input unmodified to locate, because of what I wrote above about the database index. Integrating Pinyin is therefore not supported, but it may be possible to override the function with one which transforms the input first. I close this issue, since it is not an Orderless issue.
hi,when I set like below, consult-buffer can supported chinese pinyin first letter search, but consult-locate does not take effect. Can you see what the problem is
(defun orderless-regexp-pinyin (str) (setf (car str) (pinyinlib-build-regexp-string (car str))) str) (advice-add 'orderless-regexp :filter-args #'orderless-regexp-pinyin)