oap-project / raydp

RayDP provides simple APIs for running Spark on Ray and integrating Spark with AI libraries.
Apache License 2.0
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Add the ability to set the owner of objects when calling _save_spark_df_to_object_store() #375

Closed max-509 closed 7 months ago

max-509 commented 10 months ago

Hello! Thank you for awesome library that helps me use Spark and Ray advantages.

When I transform Spark Dataframe to ray Dataset, I have only 2 options for specifying the owner of serialized partitions:

  1. Each executor owns its own partitions (_use_owner=False)
  2. Ray DP Master is the owner of all serialized partitions (_use_owner=True).

I will give a usage scenario when none of the ownership options can be satisfactory.

I want to do some preprocessing in Spark, convert a preprocessed DataFrame into a ray Dataset, and stop Spark (call raydp.stop_spark()) to free up ray cluster resources. But after stopping Spark, I can't use the created ray Dataset because the owner of the serialized tables has died. I suggest adding a function that can accept an actor who should become the owner of serialized partitions. For example:

class ObjectsOwner:
    # Actor owner name
    actor_name: str 
    # Function that set serialized parquet objects to actor owner state and return result of .remote() calling
    set_reference_as_state: Callable[[ray.actor.ActorHandle, List[ObjectRef]], ObjectRef]

def _save_spark_df_to_object_store(df: sql.DataFrame, use_batch: bool = True,
                                   objects_owner: Optional[ObjectsOwner] = None):
    # call java function from python
    jvm = df.sql_ctx.sparkSession.sparkContext._jvm
    jdf = df._jdf
    object_store_writer = jvm.org.apache.spark.sql.raydp.ObjectStoreWriter(jdf)
    if objects_owner is None:
        records = object_store_writer.save(use_batch, "")
        records = object_store_writer.save(use_batch, objects_owner.actor_name) # !

    record_tuples = [(record.objectId(), record.ownerAddress(), record.numRecords())
                        for record in records]
    blocks, block_sizes = _register_objects(record_tuples)

    if actor_owner is not None:
        actor = ray.get_actor(objects_owner.actor_name)
        ray.get(objects_owner.set_reference_as_state(actor, blocks)) # !

    return blocks, block_sizes

I hope that my suggestion will be useful.

kira-lin commented 10 months ago

Hi @max-509 , thanks for using RayDP! In this case, you can assign ownership to RayDPMaster, and use raydp.stop_spark(cleanup_data=False) to stop the session and free up the resources. By setting cleanup_data to False, RayDPMaster is actually not killed, so the data is still accessible.

But yes, your suggestion makes sense, ownership should be able to be assigned to a user specified actor. This should be very easy, are you willing to submit a PR?