OASIS TC Open Repository: Manages TOSCA profiles, tests, and templates that are maintained by the TOSCA community. They are intended to be used as examples to help developers get started with TOSCA and to test compliance of TOSCA implementations with the standard.
TOSCA includes basic support for [policies / workflows] to supplement its main goal of declaratively describing cloud topologies. This feature is not intended as a replacement for comprehensive [policy frameworks / workflow engines], which may rely on other standards and languages. Note that the TOSCA CSAR format [link] allows for the inclusion of non-TOSCA files so that these other standards and languages may be packaged together with the TOSCA topology to which they apply.
(At the request of Thinh Nguyenphu)
Something like this:
TOSCA includes basic support for [policies / workflows] to supplement its main goal of declaratively describing cloud topologies. This feature is not intended as a replacement for comprehensive [policy frameworks / workflow engines], which may rely on other standards and languages. Note that the TOSCA CSAR format [link] allows for the inclusion of non-TOSCA files so that these other standards and languages may be packaged together with the TOSCA topology to which they apply.