Closed h4b4n3r0 closed 2 years ago
Thank you for the question. Originally, it was intended to be determined just by the filename.
Or is it enough to place them just with the correct naming next to the document file (as described in the specification draft)?
That would be enough.
@sthagen I just read RFC 8322 again. We have the option to register additional rel
"entry": [
"id": "2020-ESA-001",
"title": "Example Security Advisory 001",
"link": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "https://psirt.domain.tld/advisories/csaf/2020/2020-ESA-001.json"
"rel": "sig",
"href": "https://psirt.domain.tld/advisories/csaf/2020/2020-ESA-001.json.asc"
"rel": "hash",
"href": "https://psirt.domain.tld/advisories/csaf/2020/2020-ESA-001.json.sha512"
// ...
Do you think we should do that? It wouldn't change the standard as we don't need to modify the prose. We would only guide by example here.
@tschmidtb51 if there is a use case for the link navigation, why not? As long as the usual "name extrapolation" conventions are also supported these registered relations should help the "Rolies".
Totally - it will help automation as you can advertise the link to the hash (and reduce workload as not everyone is guessing). As we don't change the standard the "name extrapolation" conventions are still supported and valid. How do we do the registration via OASIS?
@tschmidtb51 I will take a look, engage with administration and if the path is clear prepare a proposal to be discussed within the TC.
Hello together,
is there any requirement (as CSAF "trusted provider" role) to mention the integrity files / signature files (.asc) in the rolie feed? I have not found a dedicated field for that.
Or is it enough to place them just with the correct naming next to the document file (as described in the specification draft)? It is not clear for me.
Thank you Klaus