oasis-tcs / csaf

OASIS CSAF TC: Supporting version control for Work Product artifacts developed by members of TC, including prose specifications and secondary artifacts like meeting minutes and productivity code
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Enforce use of affected in `csaf_security_advisory` #672

Open tschmidtb51 opened 9 months ago

tschmidtb51 commented 9 months ago

Currently, we only enforce that a csaf_security_advisory has at least one product_status. That allows the production of CSAF security advisories with all products in status fixed. One might implicit assume that previous versions are affected. However, that is terrible for automated matching: If the advisory tells that Product A in version 4.2 is fixed and I have Product A but version 4.1 - the matcher can't tell me that I have an issue. Also, fixed products can't have remediations as they are fixed.

The easiest transition rule (CSAF 2.0=> CSAF 2.1) would be:

mprpic commented 2 months ago

I am not a big fan of this being enforced. It's easy to perhaps add a catch-all that anything before the fixed version is affected, but then you might also be implicitly including versions that might not be vulnerable because they were released before the vulnerability was introduced into the product. Figuring out the exact ranges of affected versions costs a lot of time in analysis. In a perfect world, we'd have this data already but that's just not the case, especially for older CVEs. It would be a considerable amount of effort to figure out the exact affected versions for CVEs from 2010 and earlier, and I'm not sure it's worth it at this point. Publishing the information on at least fixed versions is still valuable and I would strongly dislike to see us having to remove that information or hobble it somehow (by downgrading the files to a lesser state) just because of this requirement.

tschmidtb51 commented 1 month ago

@mprpic Thank you for your input. I see this question between the poles of keeping old data valid and encourage to produce better data for tomorrow. Just listing the fixed versions in security advisories makes matching very hard - how would they know that previous version should be deemed affected?

Here is my suggestion:

Profile X: Security Advisory

This profile SHOULD be used to provide information which is related to vulnerabilities, affected products and corresponding remediations.

A CSAF document SHALL fulfill the following requirements to satisfy the profile "Security Advisory":

Profile Z: Historic Security Advisory

This profile SHOULD be used to provide information which is related to vulnerabilities and corresponding remediations.

A CSAF document SHALL fulfill the following requirements to satisfy the profile "Historic Security Advisory":

Also a reference between the two profiles could be feasible:

Profile X: Security Advisory

This profile SHOULD be used to provide information which is related to vulnerabilities, affected products and corresponding remediations.

A CSAF document SHALL fulfill the following requirements to satisfy the profile "Security Advisory":

This would allow to keep historic security advisories labeled as "security advisories" and improve the situation for matching (as the requirement in the "Security Advisory" profile allows customers to request better data).

mprpic commented 1 month ago

(warning: mostly subjective opinions ahead :wink:)

By enforcing this in the standard, you're not encouraging, you're mandating :slightly_smiling_face: Also, marking something as "historic" makes it sound like it should be (or will soon be) deprecated, which, considering the majority of vendors out there aren't publishing version ranges and distinguish between affected and fixed, would make most advisories published today historic.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for improving the publishing of data that can lead to better automation, but it needs to happen via examples and real use cases, and needs to happen gradually. Most of the software industry (outside of security teams) doesn't currently see the value in diligently keeping track of this data so that it can be shared externally. Forcing them to do it won't explain the "why".

Could this instead be turned into a specific Role? Meaning if you meet certain requirements of providing complete affectedness data, you can claim a Role of "Complete Data Provider" or something similar? In fact, the CVE Program is having a similar discussion about measuring the quality of CVE records to ensure they all contain at least one valid reference, CVSS metrics, a vulnerability type (via CWE, for example), and component identifiers (CPE being discussed). CSAF could adopt a similar approach and simply reward publishers that provide complete data with elevated status.

tschmidtb51 commented 1 month ago

I think we are on the same page but it looks like I did a bad job in explaining why I think this should be done exactly this way. I'll try to provide more details:


  1. Old data should be able to stay with no or little effort.
  2. Provide a standardized differentiation so that not each and every customer needs to specify which fields need to be there for automation.
  3. Make it easy for all parties in the ecosystem to support it.
  4. Improve data quality over time and make sure it just grows and does not degrade.

I think the suggestion takes all of that into account:

I hope this makes it clearer, why I suggest this way.

mprpic commented 1 month ago

Don't we already have very similar requirements in the csaf_vex profile though? Maybe the definitions there just need to be tightened up to explicitly state what the relationship between affected and fixed versions should be and we can leave the security advisory profile as is to allow simple listings of fixed artifacts.

tschmidtb51 commented 1 month ago
  1. We can't change csaf_vex freely as we need to fulfill the minimum requirements given by the CISA community process.
  2. Just listing fixed artefacts would actually be more a VEX then a security advisory. VEX communicates the state of a product so fixed without mentioning affected is definitely in-scope. Security advisories should help with remediations. However, if something is fixed, there doesn't need to be a remediation.

So if you want, we could change all the ones that just provide fixed product into csaf_vex.

mprpic commented 1 month ago

Well, the security advisory profile merely states that you must have a non-empty /vulnerabilities[]/product_status while VEX states that you must include either a fixed status or unfixed (known affected, known not affected, under investigation). So VEX is the more restricting ones when it comes to defining what data needs to be present. The current VEX guidelines could be extended to add that for each element marked as /vulnerabilities[]/product_status/fixed, there needs to be an element with a /vulnerabilities[]/product_status/known_affected status that is in the same version lineage as the fixed component.

tschmidtb51 commented 4 weeks ago

If understood you correctly, it should look like this:

Profile Z: Legacy Security Advisory

This profile SHOULD be used to provide information which is related to vulnerabilities and corresponding remediations.

A CSAF document SHALL fulfill the following requirements to satisfy the profile "Legacy Security Advisory":

Also a reference between the two profiles could be feasible:

Profile X: Security Advisory

This profile SHOULD be used to provide information which is related to vulnerabilities, affected products and corresponding remediations.

A CSAF document SHALL fulfill the following requirements to satisfy the profile "Security Advisory":
