oasis-tcs / csaf

OASIS CSAF TC: Supporting version control for Work Product artifacts developed by members of TC, including prose specifications and secondary artifacts like meeting minutes and productivity code
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Create a markdown document with existing CVRF repositories #7

Closed santosomar closed 5 years ago

santosomar commented 5 years ago

Create a markdown document with existing CVRF repositories

santosomar commented 5 years ago

RedHat's CVRF from Langley: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_security_data_api/1.0/html-single/red_hat_security_data_api/index#cvrf

santosomar commented 5 years ago

Cisco CVRF repo: https://tools.cisco.com/security/center/cvrfListing.x

santosomar commented 5 years ago

During the CSAF 2.0 working session today, we discussed the potential of documenting a list of existing CVRF repositories in the industry (along with a good few examples for Eric to further test the parsing and translation of CVRF/CSAF documents).

I started a list of known CVRF repositories from different vendors, MITRE, and the community in our GitHub repository at:


I am very sure that I missed several. Please feel free to add more via a pull request.

This email and notification was also sent to the OASIS CSAF TC: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/csaf/201905/msg00003.html