oasis-tcs / tosca-specs

OASIS TOSCA TC: This repository contains drafts of the TOSCA TC’s specifications and committee notes. https://github.com/oasis-tcs/tosca-specs
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Deprecate the other blocks in the TOSCA meta file #123

Open pmjordan opened 1 month ago

pmjordan commented 1 month ago

These comments were hidden in csd06 section 17.2.1 and moved here as part of https://github.com/oasis-tcs/tosca-specs/issues/61

{"id": "1382", "author": "Calin Curescu", "date": "2019-01-30T16:36:00Z", "comment": "MustFix. \nIn version 1.0 (pre YAML) the subsequent blocks that contained\ndefinitions were used to provide definitions for types imported in the\nservice template, that is these files were parsed instead of taking the\ndefinitions from external repositoris. \nSince 1.0 yaml, the files are specified explicitly in the imports\nstatements. \nNevertheless, by allowing the other definition blocks (as per this\nparagraph formulation) we allow also the old style of imports by the\ndefinitions in the other blocks. \nI think this puts a burden on the implementation of orchestrators and\nquite confusing. So we should deprecate the usage of definitions in the\nother blocks. \nMoreover, the other blocks can contain other file type decriptions (for\nartifacts) in the other blocks. E.g: \nName: Plans/AddUser.bpmn \nContent-Type: application/vnd.oasis.bpmn \nThese also seem obsolete and useless. \nI think we should deprecate the other blocks in the TOSCA.meta\nfile", "target": "Note that any further TOSCA definitions files required by the\ndefinitions specified by Entry-Definitions or Other-Definitions\ncan be found by a TOSCA orchestrator by processing respective\nimports statements. Note also that artifact files (e.g. scripts,\nbinaries, configuration files) used by the TOSCA definitions and\nincluded in the CSAR are fully described and referred via relative path\nnames in artifact definitions in the respective TOSCA definitions files\ncontained in the CSAR."}