oasisfeng / island

Island for Android
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[Support] Need Help to Reactivate Work Profile #524

Open optymistic opened 2 months ago

optymistic commented 2 months ago

Hello, this may be somewhat unrelated but please if anyone could look into my issue, it would be super helpful.

I setup my work profile about 2 years ago using ISLAND and I never needed to deactivate it. A day ago, I just paused my work apps for a while for better performance, but when I tried unpausing them again, it didnt work. My device asked me to enter pattern to unlock work apps but nothing happens when I enter the pattern. Now I have a permanent notification as in the below image:


Tapping on the notification pops the pattern lock menu but entering my pattern does nothing.

So I removed all security locks and the tried to open work apps but then I started getting popups for "Turn on your work apps" Clicking on "Turn ON" button was also behaving the same as entering the patter (Nothing happens).

I investigated with adb using my laptop and the only error I can find is the following:

UserInfo{10: Island :1030} serialNo=1001 isPrimary=false parentId=0
    Type: android.os.usertype.profile.MANAGED
    Created: +594d12h30m30s980ms ago
    Last logged in: +22d3h44m37s901ms ago
    Last logged in fingerprint: ebef28cbd7ccd4af8c83d26c14857f9447042438
    Start time: +2m47s876ms ago
    Unlock time: <unknown>
    Has profile owner: true
    Device policy global restrictions:
    Device policy local restrictions:
      User Id: 10
    Effective restrictions:
    Ignore errors preparing storage: true

In the state, it says RUNNING_LOCKED when it should say RUNNING UNLOCKED unlike other profiles. When I stop it, the STATE changes to -1 and again to RUNNING_LOCKED when I unpause it again.

Do you have any idea on how to fix this using adb? I cannot delete my work profile and start again as there is some important data there.

Any magic adb commands or some working solutions would be helpful