oasislinux / oasis

a small statically-linked linux system
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Update README.md #2

Closed DmitryHetman closed 7 years ago

DmitryHetman commented 7 years ago

util-linux it's huge package with lots of vital tools ( addpart agetty blkdiscard blkid blockdev cal cfdisk chcpu chfn chrt chsh col (legacy)[5] colcrt colrm column ctrlaltdel delpart dmesg eject fallocate fdformat fdisk findfs findmnt flock fsck fsck.cramfs fsck.minix fsfreeze fstab fstrim getopt hexdump hwclock (query and set the hardware clock (RTC)) ionice ipcmk ipcrm ipcs isosize kill last ldattach line (legacy)[5] logger login look losetup lsblk lscpu[6] lslocks lslogins mcookie mesg mkfs (legacy)[5] mkfs.bfs mkfs.cramfs mkfs.minix mkswap more mount mountpoint namei newgrp nologin nsenter partx pg (legacy)[5] pivot_root prlimit[7] raw readprofile rename renice reset (legacy)[5] resizepart rev RTC Alarm runuser script scriptreplay setarch (including architecture symlinks such as i386, linux32, linux64, x86_64, etc.) setpriv setsid setterm sfdisk su sulogin swaplabel swapoff swapon switch_root tailf (legacy)[5] taskset tunelp (deprecated)[8] ul umount unshare utmpdump uuidd uuidgen vipw (including symlink to vigr) wall wdctl whereis wipefs write zramct}

fdisk is only small part, so it's better remove this string to not confuse people.

michaelforney commented 7 years ago

Yes, util-linux contains many tools, but if you look at pkg/util-linux/gen.rc, you'll see we are only building fdisk. Many of the other tools are provided by ubase, and others aren't necessary. You are free to alter gen.rc to build any additional ones you want.

But I think removing the parentheses explaining that we only use fdisk from util-linux would be misleading.