oasp / oasp4j

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Fixed: Proper usage of Test Categories in Sample pom.xml #536

Closed jomora closed 7 years ago

jomora commented 7 years ago

This PR fixes an issue that became obvious when debugging the restaurant sample app remotely.

No tests of type SubsystemTest were executed by Maven.

The problem was that the pom.xmlof the sample project excluded by default not only SystemTests but also SubsystemTests.

Fixing the pom.xml and introducing different profiles which allow for execution of different supersets of test types solved the issue s.t. SubsystemTests are now executed by default.

However, another problem arose after the fix: Some Flyway migrations failed.

This problem was caused by the missing, but required, SQL scripts for batch tests in the subdirectory src/test/resources/db/tablemanagement.

Please review and merge!

oasp-ci commented 7 years ago

Can one of the admins verify this patch?

jomora commented 7 years ago

@kiran-vadla, it would be awesome if you could provide more information in future comments, e.g. provide a link to the PR where the files have been introduced, and also state what your conclusion is, e.g. "close this PR" or whatever. This would help the reader to understand your comment more easily.

kiran-vadla commented 7 years ago

@jomora , You can refer to PRs #528, #527 , #526 . Files corresponding to V0003_R001_Add_blob_table.sql, V0004_R001_Add_batch_tables.sql for Oracle, MS SQL Server , PostGres and MariaDB have to be submitted .

Thanks, Kiran.

jomora commented 7 years ago

@kiran-vadla, in contrast to your comment, the files are currently not available in branch develop-2.3.0(have a look at the current content of the branch).

So, two questions:

kiran-vadla commented 7 years ago

@jomora , since we have added these new files V0003_R001_Add_blob_table.sql and V0004_R001_Add_batch_tables.sql for H2 DB. Ideally similar files have to be added for databases PostGres, mariaDB , MSSQL and Oracle.

Thanks, Kiran.

jomora commented 7 years ago

@kiran-vadla now I understand. You want me to add files which support the other DB vendors as well.

I propose to cover this in a separate pull request.

kiran-vadla commented 7 years ago

As discussed with @jomora , another PR will be created to address other Databases . Hence approving this PR.