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remove bower #91

Open maybeec opened 8 years ago

maybeec commented 8 years ago

We should remove bower as it does not provide any further benefit since npm catched up supporting everything bower has been added value for.

Would be worth a discussion to make live simpler especially in our sample, which already utilizes a lot technologies to work.

dumbNickname commented 8 years ago

Totally agree! Bower does not bring any additional value, can even be a disadvantage as some people publish their plugins/packages/angular component or modules only in npm. I had such a situation when guys developing one of components that we decided to use abandoned bower in favor of npm - not a nice surprise when you need to upgrade to new version.

mmatczak commented 8 years ago

Saying let's get rid of bower and let's go for npm! is easy, but after that you have to think about how to build your application and what module system to use. And making the right decision today is not easy. Browserify, Webpack, SystemJS with jspm - these are some of the options. The latter is my favorite. In my current project I use SystemJS with Bower (for some technical reasons).

maybeec commented 8 years ago

I am also fine with jspm. However, I could not determine the big advantage of jspm over npm + browserify. Jspm seems to be the current hipe due to its extensibility and the out of the box support for all module styles. Currently, I have not seen any killer argument to go for npm + browserify vs. jspm + systemjs. You might even think of npm + systemjs.