Closed capitanevs closed 3 years ago
The same error occurs when I use two detectors in tandem. This looks more like a 'bug'. The second one, can not automatically look for the "f2" of its mirror. I do not remember if it is a known issue or not.
Example (the relevant part is at the end)
# Source
s = OpticalElement(
Name = 'FEL2',
IsSource = True,
CoreOpticsElement = Optics.SourceGaussian(
Lambda = Lambda,
Waist0 = Waist0,
Orientation = Optics.OPTICS_ORIENTATION.ISOTROPIC), # **kwargs
PositioningDirectives = Foundation.PositioningDirectives(
ReferTo = 'absolute',
XYCentre = [0,0],
Angle = 0)
f11 = 87.9096
f21 = 1.8
kb_v = OpticalElement(
Name = 'kb_v',
CoreOpticsElement = Optics.MirrorElliptic(
L = 0.4,
f1 = f11,
f2 = f21,
Alpha = np.deg2rad(Angle_kb_deg),
PositioningDirectives = Foundation.PositioningDirectives(
PlaceWhat = 'upstream focus',
PlaceWhere = 'centre',
ReferTo = 'source'))
kb_h = OpticalElement(
Name = 'kb_h',
CoreOpticsElement = Optics.MirrorElliptic(
L = 0.4,
f1 = 88.5096,
f2 = 1.25,
Alpha = np.deg2rad(Angle_kb_deg),
PositioningDirectives = Foundation.PositioningDirectives(
PlaceWhat = 'upstream focus',
PlaceWhere = 'centre',
ReferTo = 'source'))
#---Detector_h h
Detector_h = OpticalElement(
Name = 'det_h',
CoreOpticsElement = Optics.Detector(
L = DetectorSize,
AngleGrazing = np.deg2rad(90),
PositioningDirectives = Foundation.PositioningDirectives(
PlaceWhat = 'centre',
PlaceWhere = 'downstream focus',
ReferTo = 'upstream')
Detector_v = OpticalElement(
Name = 'det_v',
CoreOpticsElement = Optics.Detector(
L = DetectorSize,
AngleGrazing = np.deg2rad(90),
PositioningDirectives = Foundation.PositioningDirectives(
PlaceWhat = 'centre',
PlaceWhere = 'downstream focus',
ReferTo = 'upstream'))
# Create Beamlinee beamline starting from Beamlinee Beamline Elements Objects
Beamline = None
Beamline = Foundation.BeamlineElements()
Beamline.Append(Detector_v) # If I Comment this one, it works.
print(Beamline) #
Yes, this is known behaviour and I agree that a proper warning or error has to be raised. Probably it's better if a warning is raised and the detector returns zeros or nans in such case.
Please refer to issue number #15 , they are related. If we don't want to raise an error in the whole program, then we need to give NA/None or something into the box...
I renamed the issue, as only the last point remains (GUI warning)
Please provide a correct Oasys workspace for debugging this.
It happened to me to waste a lot of time in a script because I got this error (LibWiser)
the reason was that I had a beamline with all HORIZONTAL optical elements, and I changed the orientation of the last two (focussing mirror and detector) but the source was not set to ISOTROPIC or ANY.
We could a) throw a proper warning in LibWiser ( Something like "No Optical Element with the same orientation found. Check Source orientation"). b) ensure that the source is alway isotropic/any in the GUI ?