oasys-elettra-kit / OASYS1-Wiser

The implementation of WISER into OASYS
MIT License
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Closed capitanevs closed 3 years ago

capitanevs commented 4 years ago

Hi, I try this (new way) to keep track of what we say in meetings. Let's see how it evolve or if it is just extra cluttering. It is an improvement of the "MEMORANDUM Issue".

capitanevs commented 4 years ago

Today's notes are summarized here


capitanevs commented 4 years ago

Round-Table meeting

The idea is to stop improving and start fixing. We have different bugs on different OS, so it will be useful to do cross-tests and prepare shared test workspaces.

Features to be implemented yet:

  1. Roughness
  2. Improve visualization (put some more plots on the detector, take care of units, formats "0.000001" etc)

Things to test, how to test them

  1. Errors on our laptops.
  2. Create some shared workspaces
  3. Let's start check the cross-interaction with SRW preparing a test beamline (see below)

A sample beamline

gaussian source->slits->elliptical mirror->detector
elliptical mirror: f1 = 98, f2 = 1.2
slit distance: 0.6 m upstrea the mirror
slit aperture (fullwidth, rectangular): 5mm
lambda = 50nm
source waist = 150 um
sigma = 150/sqrt(2)
half angle = lambda/pi/waist
M2 = 1

For the future Think about "conversion widget" for handling the diverse "figure error format". This is very similar to MM's idea of having a widget which takes care of loading the figure error, then send it to the optics (vs: have the load-engine embedded in the optical element). Off-board figure error handling VS on-board figure error handling

what else