When launching OASYS in linux there is an error in the console while loading...
File "/cvmfs/hpc.esrf.fr/software/packages/ubuntu20.04/x86_64/oasys/2023.11.23/lib/python3.8/site-packages/orangecontrib/shadow_advanced_tools/widgets/optical_elements/bl/fresnel_zone_plate.py", line 51, in <module>
from hybrid_methods.fresnel_zone_plate.hybrid_fresnel_zone_plate import HybridFresnelZonePlate, FZPAttributes, FZPSimulatorOptions, FZPCalculationInputParameters, FZPCalculationResult
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'hybrid_methods.fresnel_zone_plate'
We think that you have to add in the setup.py of hybrid_methods the directory:
When launching OASYS in linux there is an error in the console while loading...
We think that you have to add in the setup.py of hybrid_methods the directory:
Nevertheless, it seems that all the widgets start correctly.
Best, J