oasys-kit / ShadowOui

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what is the format of outfile exported by 'Shadow File Writer'? #226

Closed ShTwc closed 2 years ago

ShTwc commented 2 years ago


I want to do some calculation using beam data from Shadow and try to output those data by tool 'Shadow File Writer'. I got a file successfully but don't know what its format is. Could you tell me how to read it? Thanks.



lucarebuffi commented 2 years ago

Use the Shadow File Reader widget that will transform it into python object.

The entity in the output wire is a ShadowBeam object (from module rangecontrib.shadow.util.shadow_objects). The native shadow3 object (please refer to its author and documentation about it) is accessible in this way, by wiring a Python Script widget:

import numpy

shadow3_beam = in_object_1._beam

rays_matrix = shadow3_beam.rays # this is the matrix of the rays, each row containing the properties of a single ray

 Here are the columns:

  1  - position x in user units
  2  - position y in user units
  3  - position z in user units
  4  - director cosine x (approx angle x' in rad)
  5  - director cosine y 
  6  - director cosine z (approx angle z' in rad)
  7  - electric field s-polarized Es_x
  8  - electric field s-polarized Es_y
  9  - electric field s-polarized Es_z
  10 - flag: 1.0 the ray is good, <1 the ray is lost
  11 - wavevector modulus: 2 pi / lambda
  12 - ray index (starting from 1.0)
  13 - optical path, in user units
  14 - s-polarized phase Es_phi
  15 - p-polarized phase Ep_phi
  16 - electric field p-polarized Ep_x
  17 - electric field p-polarized Ep_y
  18 - electric field p-polarized Ep_z
# ex: read the z coordinate of all the rays:

z_coord = rays_matrix[:, 2]

# select good only rays

go = numpy.where(rays_matrix[:, 9] == 1)

z_coord_go = rays_matrix[go, 2]
lucarebuffi commented 2 years ago

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