oasys-kit / ShadowOui

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genesis and shadow(Oasys) #243

Open lxdmay opened 1 month ago

lxdmay commented 1 month ago

Can I export radiation information(xx.fld.h5) from genesis 1.3 and import it into shadow(Oasys) for optical experiments?

lucarebuffi commented 1 month ago

This request is too vague to be answered. We do not support Genesis.

You can import hdf5 files and read their content in a python script widget. If you know how to associate the information to the properties defining a Shadow beam (rays) , it is possible to create the proper Oasys Shadow Beam entity and pass it to the optical elements.

Please provide exhaustive details.

lxdmay commented 1 month ago

This request is too vague to be answered. We do not support Genesis.

You can import hdf5 files and read their content in a python script widget. If you know how to associate the information to the properties defining a Shadow beam (rays) , it is possible to create the proper Oasys Shadow Beam entity and pass it to the optical elements.

Please provide exhaustive details.

thank you for your answer, I want to perform a pump-probe dual-color detection experiment, so I plan to export photon information from Genesis and then conduct the experiment in OASYS.

lucarebuffi commented 1 month ago

you just repeated your first message in different words. Please provide details on the data format, the content of the Genesis data file, the meaning of each individual data field and how you intend to use it in Shadow (to define a source? to create a beam?). We can't help you if you keep being so vague.

lxdmay commented 1 month ago

you just repeated your first message in different words. Please provide details on the data format, the content of the Genesis data file, the meaning of each individual data field and how you intend to use it in Shadow (to define a source? to create a beam?). We can't help you if you keep being so vague.

I'm sorry I didn't describe it clearly, I imported the radiation information I calculated from genesis, the file name is test.fld.h5 (the two-color file is too big, it's not easy to upload), which contains the field information of the output X-rays, I want to import the X-ray source from genesis into oasys for simulation, mainly to use the transmission grating to distinguish the two-color X-rays, I don't know if it can be realized.

At the moment I have not found out how to use the X-ray information produced by genesis as the light source of oasys. The radiation field data structure is shown in the figure below. image image

lucarebuffi commented 1 month ago

I repeat, we do not support genesis. You must know how to extract the information from its data file, convert it into usable parameters for Shadow or any other software inside OASYS, through a python script. It look like you have a wavefront there, the imaginary and real part of an electric field. It is going to be very hard to convert those data into rays. SRW is more indicated to digest those data. Please talk with Oleg Chubar at BNL for that. Once you figured it out, I can help you import the python script into OASYS and create a starting point for the simulation.

lxdmay commented 1 month ago

I再说一遍,我们不支持创世纪。您必须知道如何通过 python 脚本从其数据文件中提取信息,将其转换为 Shadow 或 OASYS 内任何其他软件的可用参数。看起来你那里有一个波前,即电场的假想部分和实部。将这些数据转换为光线将非常困难。 SRW 更适合消化这些数据。请与BNL的Oleg Chubar交谈。一旦你弄清楚了,我就可以帮助你将python脚本导入到OASYS中,并为模拟创建一个起点。

This seems really complicated, so can I set up dual-energy X-rays in oasys?

lucarebuffi commented 1 month ago

Yes, you can input any spectrum you want.

lxdmay commented 1 month ago

Yes, you can input any spectrum you want.

Thank you very much, could you give me some suggestions for setting up different X-ray energies? I want to set up spectra of different energy X-rays, E1 and E2 can be set according to my needs, so that I can get such an X-ray source, as shown in the figure below. 024fcd91506807e33a9c7e7a3dfc6eb

lucarebuffi commented 1 month ago

We don't usually provide basic training here. Please make sure to run through the ShadowOui Tutorials and the OASYS schools before using the product. Both are available through the OASYS graphic user interface.

Said that, if you send me a text file, with two columns (Energy vs Intensity), I can quickly prepare an example for you and attach it here.

lxdmay commented 1 month ago

We don't usually provide basic training here. Please make sure to run through the ShadowOui Tutorials and the OASYS schools before using the product. Both are available through the OASYS graphic user interface.

Said that, if you send me a text file, with two columns (Energy vs Intensity), I can quickly prepare an example for you and attach it here.

thank you for your answer. Sorry, I'm a beginner and my text file is attached here. How can I import these data into oasys. Energy_vs_Intensity.txt