oatpp / example-libressl

Example project how-to use oatpp-libressl submodule. HTTPS async server.
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Problem with the client provider on windows #2

Open remioukrat opened 3 years ago

remioukrat commented 3 years ago

When we run the service on windows.

If we try to do :

curl -X GET "https://localhost:8443/api/get" --insecure

we have always an internal server error 500. It happens only on the endpoint where there is a redirection.

lganzzzo commented 3 years ago

Hello @remioukrat ,

Please share your endpoint code and the full error message.

remioukrat commented 3 years ago

It’s just the sample for the redirection:

    ENDPOINT_ASYNC("GET", "/api/get", TestApiGet)


        Action act() override {
            return controller->myClient->apiGetAsync().callbackTo(&TestApiGet::onResponse);

        Action onResponse(const std::shared_ptr<IncomingResponse>&response) {
            return response->readBodyToStringAsync().callbackTo(&TestApiGet::returnResult);

        Action returnResult(const oatpp::String & body) {
            return _return(controller->createResponse(Status::CODE_200, body));


and the error returned

$ curl -X GET "https://localhost:8443/api/get" --insecure
description=Internal Server Error
message=[oatpp::network::tcp::client::ConnectionProvider::getConnectionAsync()]: Error. Can't connect.
lganzzzo commented 3 years ago

Hey @remioukrat ,

From your code and from the error message - it's clear that the ApiClient is not able to connect to remote service.

Check that the client connection provider is set up correctly.

remioukrat commented 3 years ago

Hi @lganzzzo

For the connection provider I have used the code available in the example :

  OATPP_CREATE_COMPONENT(std::shared_ptr<oatpp::network::ClientConnectionProvider>, sslClientConnectionProvider) ("clientConnectionProvider", [] {
    auto config = oatpp::libressl::Config::createShared();
    return oatpp::libressl::client::ConnectionProvider::createShared(config, {"httpbin.org", 443});

  OATPP_CREATE_COMPONENT(std::shared_ptr<MyApiClient>, myApiClient)([] {
    OATPP_COMPONENT(std::shared_ptr<oatpp::network::ClientConnectionProvider>, connectionProvider, "clientConnectionProvider");
    OATPP_COMPONENT(std::shared_ptr<oatpp::data::mapping::ObjectMapper>, objectMapper);
    auto requestExecutor = oatpp::web::client::HttpRequestExecutor::createShared(connectionProvider);
    return MyApiClient::createShared(requestExecutor, objectMapper);

And for the client it’s the same:

#ifndef MyApiClient_hpp
#define MyApiClient_hpp

#include "oatpp/web/client/ApiClient.hpp"
#include "oatpp/core/data/mapping/type/Object.hpp"
#include "oatpp/core/macro/codegen.hpp"

#include OATPP_CODEGEN_BEGIN(ApiClient)

class MyApiClient : public oatpp::web::client::ApiClient {


  API_CALL("GET", "/get", apiGet)

  API_CALL_ASYNC("GET", "/get", apiGetAsync)


#include OATPP_CODEGEN_END(ApiClient)

#endif /* MyApiClient_hpp */
lganzzzo commented 3 years ago

@remioukrat ,

Ok, I see. It might be some kind of LibreSSL config that is missing on Windows. Questions:

Apart from that, I would recommend (it's not related to the issue):

remioukrat commented 3 years ago

@lganzzzo ,

No, I have just tryed to hit httpbin.org. This example works in a linux docker but not on Windows. For Windows I  use vcpkg packages. For the moment I use LibreSSL, but I have to test with OpenSSL too.

lganzzzo commented 3 years ago

@remioukrat ,

That's sounds interesting. I can't check on windows at the moment.

I would suggest making sure that httpbin.org is accessible from within the widows VM, and that you are hitting the right port 443. Also, it's possible that you have to additionally configure the TLS somehow on windows, by calling LibreSSL'stls_config_<...>. Example:
