oauth-wg / oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt

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matching strength of hash and signature #359

Closed bc-pi closed 7 months ago

bc-pi commented 9 months ago

Saying something about matching the strength of hash function and signature algorithm would probably be worthwhile.

resulting from this thread https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/oauth/liu4pJP0_p0O3xJCXkcadl8uNAk/ / https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/oauth/UJQVtWdV4Woz0oDDEM9z82zgByE/ etc

"... indicates that the security strength of the signature scheme is bounded by the collision resistance of the hash function - e.g. there’s little point using ES512 with SHA-256, for example. Probably the security considerations should suggest matching hash functions to signature algorithms."

bc-pi commented 8 months ago

How to actually write this in an appropriate way for a draft RFC feels kinda tricky though. JWE has some text about using Using Matching Algorithm Strengths that I was hopping to borrow from but the context is (unsurprisingly) different enough that using text straight from it doesn't quite work. Maybe adding a very general statement in Choice of a Hash Algorithm would be sufficient.

rohan-wire commented 8 months ago

At IETF 118 Tuesday meeting, Orie proposed locking the hash to the one committed to by the Issuer.