obble / modui_classic

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OmniCC support for nameplate auras #57

Open zogral opened 4 years ago

zogral commented 4 years ago


Is it possible to get support for OmniCC on auras? Myself (and probably many others) prefer it over Blizzards built in method. https://github.com/tullamods/OmniCC/wiki/How-to-add-OmniCC-support-to-my-addons%3F

obble commented 4 years ago

Looks like support is added automatically from this - you may need to update the config for omniCC to enable it on small sized frames like the target and nameplate auras.

I can look to add styling support for omniCC to match that of the blizzard solution in future.

Does omniCC add any other options that make it more worthwhile or is it just a comfort thing?

zogral commented 4 years ago

Didn't know about the size setting in omnicc - thanks! It seems to have made it work on some spells eg Sap, while on others it is not, even with the omnicc size limit set to 1.

Found a temp fix by using a WA as shown below and hiding modui's nameplate aura. Not a huge deal and it is as you mention just a personal preference/comfort thing. Would prefer your aura styling to the left though. Uten navn