obedm503 / bootmark

markdown + bootstrap as a jQuery plugin
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Dead link to showdown-katex #31

Open richb-hanover opened 5 years ago

richb-hanover commented 5 years ago

I'm looking to migrate from strapdown.js so that I can put my markdown text inside a <div>

Bootmark seems to check all the boxes (I'm already using jQuery, it can read a separate Markdown file with data-src, documentation is good, etc...)

BUT - there are no examples. There's a purported one, but it gives a 404: https://obedm503.github.io/katex-latex/

Am I missing a simple example showing how to drop it in? Many thanks!

richb-hanover commented 5 years ago

Update: Further rummaging around in /docs brought me to https://github.com/obedm503/bootmark/blob/master/docs/markdown-cheatsheet.html, which offered the following snippet that got me on the air.

<script src="https://unpkg.com/bootmark@latest/dist/bootmark.bundle.min.js"></script>
      $.fn.bootmark.options.html = {
        theme: 'journal',
        toc: false

Nevertheless, it would be good to fix the doc's... Thanks again!

obedm503 commented 5 years ago


each section has an "examples" section with examples. you can "view source" on all the examples to see how they work. or see the direct source code here: https://github.com/obedm503/bootmark/tree/master/docs

richb-hanover commented 5 years ago

Yes, I now see that directory has all kinds of good examples. But there's still a problem. (And I must apologize for my initial crappy bug report. Please allow me to do better this time.)

The Problem: On the main Bootmark Examples page at https://obedm503.github.io/bootmark/docs/examples.html, the second paragraph says:

you can now use an unlimited amount of elements and define global options for all to use. See this for an example.

The text "this for an example" links to katex-latex, which gives a 404...

[ And thanks for bootmark - it worked exactly as I hoped. ]

obedm503 commented 5 years ago

This this is a dead link report. The correct link should be https://github.com/obedm503/showdown-katex