obfuscurity / tasseo

Live dashboard for Graphite
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Package as a gem #5

Closed danp closed 5 years ago

danp commented 12 years ago

It would be really cool if tasseo was packaged as a gem so it could be run without having to clone/fork the repo. With that option available, here's what I might do to run it on Heroku:

$ mkdir dashboards
$ cat <<EOF > dashboards/foo.js
var metrics = { ... }
$ cat <<EOF > Gemfile
source :rubygems
gem "tasseo"
$ bundle install
$ cat <<EOF > Procfile
web: bundle exec tasseo-web --port $PORT --dashboards dashboards
$ heroku create -s cedar
$ git push heroku master

This way I only need to bundle update tasseo or similar to update the app instead of dealing with an entire repo.

obfuscurity commented 12 years ago

Heh, @gorsuch suggested that this morning. While I'm generally in agreement with this, it has the potential to create a slight barrier-to-entry for non-Rubyists (at least more than in its current state).

Still, that's a very compelling workflow you've described.

danp commented 12 years ago

You could always create an app to create tasseo apps. ;)

obfuscurity commented 12 years ago

I'm going to sound like a broken record, but THAT thought occurred to me this morning too. In fact I was checking out https://github.com/tombell/hubot-factory as inspiration. :)

asenchi commented 12 years ago

@obfuscurity I don't think the files necessary to create a gem take away from the experience of cloning the repo and running. Just another option for deployment. At most people will have to deal with 2 files, a Gemfile and a tasseo.gemspec.

You could even provide other packaging setups for other users if you wanted (a setup.py for Python, and perhaps a package.json for Node). Just a thought. Ultimately those files are just as useless as a README when you fork the repo and run the app.

gorsuch commented 12 years ago

Specs are in place now that ought to cover most use cases, which I hope will allow us to alter the app with less risk of breakage.

I'm going to start taking a stab at a gem implementation.

ghost commented 12 years ago

We're using Tasseo as a Gem already: https://github.com/soundcloud/tasseo/commit/c7650719628f7d7f9c75f74de42ea934137ee903

bundle exec tasseo -p 3000
ebouchut commented 9 years ago

Thanks @gorsuch and @lgierth. I would be interested in using it as a Gem, @lgierth do you plan on making a pull-request? @gorsuch would you accept it ?

ghost commented 9 years ago

Not using tasseo anymore, and not with SoundCloud anymore. Feel free to pick up the changes from the commit I linked above.

obfuscurity commented 9 years ago

Sure, I'd be fine with merging in a PR for this.