obi-ontology / obi

The Ontology for Biomedical Investigations
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Add minimum resolved unit of measurement #1765

Closed sebastianduesing closed 2 months ago

sebastianduesing commented 3 months ago

Closes #506. Adds "minimum resolved unit of measurement" using Bjoern's proposed label/definition as per comments on that issue, as discussed on OBI dev call.

I'm not sure where the label "minimum resolved unit of measurement" came from, but the research I've done suggests that the term as Bjoern proposed it is probably synonymous with "least count." I put "least count" as an alternative term in, but we should discuss whether it would be better to just use "least count" as the label for the term, as that appears to be a more standard/common name for the same thing.

sebastianduesing commented 3 months ago

Updated with the change we discussed in the 2024-02-26 OBI dev call: switching "...indicates the smallest value that can be resolved..." to "...indicates the smallest increment that can be resolved..." in the definition. This PR is good to go.