editor preferred term: Illumina HiSeq X Five
alternative terms: HiSeq X Five
textual definition- A DNA sequencer that consists of a set of 5 HiSeq X Sequencing Systems.
definition source for the textual definition: http://www.illumina.com/systems/hiseq-x-sequencing-system/x-five-system.html
term editor: Sagar Jain, Richard Scheuermann
editor preferred term: Illumina HiSeq X Five
alternative terms: HiSeq X Five textual definition- A DNA sequencer that consists of a set of 5 HiSeq X Sequencing Systems. definition source for the textual definition: http://www.illumina.com/systems/hiseq-x-sequencing-system/x-five-system.html term editor: Sagar Jain, Richard Scheuermann
Reported by: sbjain
Original Ticket: obi/obi-terms/748