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Linking errors when running cargo build from root #541

Open jkoppel opened 5 months ago

jkoppel commented 5 months ago

When I run cargo build from the root, I get this linker error:

error: linking with `cc` failed: exit status: 1
  = note: env -u = <long line elided>
  = note: Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
            "_PyBaseObject_Type", referenced from:
                _$LT$pyo3..pycell..PyCellBase$LT$U$GT$$u20$as$u20$pyo3..pycell..PyCellLayout$LT$T$GT$$GT$::tp_dealloc::h5fec098c6e823769 in trustfall.4c9ugojfh5lrbt6o.rcgu.o
                _$LT$pyo3..types..any..PyAny$u20$as$u20$pyo3..type_object..PyTypeInfo$GT$::type_object_raw::_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$::h3fb28d9833d40bab in trustfall.4fxvjwornba5q3xr.rcgu.o
                _$LT$pyo3..pyclass_init..PyNativeTypeInitializer$LT$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$pyo3..pyclass_init..PyObjectInit$LT$T$GT$$GT$::into_new_object::inner::h44b7bd0984c2c766 in libpyo3-a4ddd6ce7ffb6c45.rlib(pyo3-a4ddd6ce7ffb6c45.pyo3.962d540f06d960ce-cgu.05.rcgu.o)
            "_PyBool_Type", referenced from:
                pyo3_ffi::object::Py_SIZE::ha565dac28a9062d5 in libpyo3-a4ddd6ce7ffb6c45.rlib(pyo3-a4ddd6ce7ffb6c45.pyo3.962d540f06d960ce-cgu.12.rcgu.o)
                pyo3_ffi::boolobject::PyBool_Check::h1c8916ee522f527a in libpyo3-a4ddd6ce7ffb6c45.rlib(pyo3-a4ddd6ce7ffb6c45.pyo3.962d540f06d960ce-cgu.08.rcgu.o)
            "_PyBytes_AsString", referenced from:

The full error is here:

obi1kenobi commented 5 months ago

This looks like a missing set of Python dynamic libraries. They are only needed if you are planning on contributing to the Python bindings, which I believe you are not trying to do at the moment.

We should add this to a troubleshooting section of CONTRIBUTING.