obi1kenobi / trustfall

A query engine for any combination of data sources. Query your files and APIs as if they were databases!
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Weekly `cargo update` of primary dependencies #603

Closed obi1kenobi closed 1 month ago

obi1kenobi commented 1 month ago

Automation to keep dependencies in the primary Cargo.lock current.

The following is the output from cargo update:

    Updating anstream v0.6.13 -> v0.6.14
    Updating anstyle v1.0.6 -> v1.0.7
    Updating anstyle-parse v0.2.3 -> v0.2.4
    Updating anstyle-query v1.0.2 -> v1.0.3
    Updating anstyle-wincon v3.0.2 -> v3.0.3
    Updating anyhow v1.0.82 -> v1.0.86
    Updating async-graphql-parser v7.0.3 -> v7.0.5
    Updating async-graphql-value v7.0.3 -> v7.0.5
    Updating autocfg v1.2.0 -> v1.3.0
    Removing bytes v1.1.0
      Adding bytes v0.5.6 (latest: v1.6.0)
      Adding bytes v1.6.0
    Updating cc v1.0.95 -> v1.0.98
    Updating colorchoice v1.0.0 -> v1.0.1
    Updating crc32fast v1.4.0 -> v1.4.2
    Updating crossbeam-channel v0.5.12 -> v0.5.13
    Updating crossbeam-utils v0.8.19 -> v0.8.20
    Updating either v1.11.0 -> v1.12.0
    Updating errno v0.3.8 -> v0.3.9
    Updating flate2 v1.0.29 -> v1.0.30
    Updating getrandom v0.2.14 -> v0.2.15
 Downgrading httparse v1.8.0 -> v1.3.6 (latest: v1.8.0)
 Downgrading httpdate v1.0.3 -> v0.3.2 (latest: v1.0.3)
 Downgrading hyper v0.14.28 -> v0.14.5 (latest: v1.3.1)
 Downgrading hyper-rustls v0.24.2 -> v0.23.2 (latest: v0.27.1)
 Downgrading hyperx v1.4.0 -> v1.2.0 (latest: v1.4.0)
      Adding is_terminal_polyfill v1.70.0
 Downgrading language-tags v0.3.2 -> v0.2.2 (latest: v0.3.2)
    Updating libc v0.2.153 -> v0.2.155
    Updating linux-raw-sys v0.4.13 -> v0.4.14 (latest: v0.6.4)
    Updating miniz_oxide v0.7.2 -> v0.7.3
    Updating num-traits v0.2.18 -> v0.2.19
    Updating parking_lot v0.12.2 -> v0.12.3
    Updating pest v2.7.9 -> v2.7.10
    Updating prettyplease v0.2.19 -> v0.2.20
    Updating proc-macro2 v1.0.81 -> v1.0.84
 Downgrading reqwest v0.11.27 -> v0.11.10 (latest: v0.12.4)
    Updating rustc-demangle v0.1.23 -> v0.1.24
 Downgrading rustls v0.21.12 -> v0.20.9 (latest: v0.23.8)
 Downgrading rustls-pemfile v1.0.4 -> v0.3.0 (latest: v2.1.2)
    Removing rustls-webpki v0.101.7
    Updating rustversion v1.0.15 -> v1.0.17
    Updating ryu v1.0.17 -> v1.0.18
    Updating schemars v0.8.17 -> v0.8.21
    Updating schemars_derive v0.8.17 -> v0.8.21
    Updating security-framework v2.10.0 -> v2.11.0
    Updating security-framework-sys v2.10.0 -> v2.11.0
    Updating serde v1.0.199 -> v1.0.203
    Updating serde_derive v1.0.199 -> v1.0.203
    Updating serde_derive_internals v0.29.0 -> v0.29.1
    Updating serde_json v1.0.116 -> v1.0.117
    Updating serde_spanned v0.6.5 -> v0.6.6
    Removing socket2 v0.5.6
      Adding socket2 v0.4.10 (latest: v0.5.7)
      Adding socket2 v0.5.7
    Updating syn v2.0.60 -> v2.0.66
    Removing sync_wrapper v0.1.2
    Removing system-configuration v0.5.1
    Removing system-configuration-sys v0.5.0
    Updating thiserror v1.0.59 -> v1.0.61
    Updating thiserror-impl v1.0.59 -> v1.0.61
 Downgrading tokio-rustls v0.24.1 -> v0.23.4 (latest: v0.26.0)
    Updating tokio-util v0.7.10 -> v0.7.11
    Updating toml v0.8.12 -> v0.8.13
    Updating toml_datetime v0.6.5 -> v0.6.6
    Updating toml_edit v0.22.12 -> v0.22.13
    Updating trybuild v1.0.91 -> v1.0.96
      Adding webpki v0.22.4
 Downgrading webpki-roots v0.25.4 -> v0.22.6 (latest: v0.26.1)
    Updating winnow v0.6.7 -> v0.6.8
 Downgrading winreg v0.50.0 -> v0.10.1 (latest: v0.52.0)
note: pass `--verbose` to see 129 unchanged dependencies behind latest