obiba / mica2

Mica is a web portal for epidemiological study consortia.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add proxy config option #4326

Open tuxmaster5000 opened 2 years ago

tuxmaster5000 commented 2 years ago

In the /usr/share/mica2/bin/ and /etc/default/mica2 files of the RPM package an proxy setting will be very helpful. sample for default: /etc/default/mica2



$JAVA $PROXY_ARGS $JAVA_ARGS -cp "${MICA_HOME}/conf:${MICA_DIST}/webapp/WEB-INF/classes:${MICA_DIST}/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/*" -DMICA_HOME=${MICA_HOME} -DMICA_DIST=${MICA_DIST} -DMICA_LOG=${MICA_LOG} org.obiba.mica.Application $MICA_ARGS              

This will enable systems like puppet to set the proxy settings easly in the /etc/default/mica2 file.

ymarcon commented 2 years ago

Couldn't these be included in the JAVA_ARGS ?

tuxmaster5000 commented 2 years ago

In the theory yes, but separate it, makes it mutch more simpler for automatic systems like puppet or ansible.